An open letter to all Rushies

May 24, 2011 18:56

... who believe what the person I went to see Geoffrey Rush with on March 2 (someone who, BTW, only appeared on the Rushie community shortly before the opening of Diary of a Madman and whom I actually encouraged and helped to figure out how to use LJ AND e-mail) alleged about me in my friends-only journal posts shortly afterwards. I'm writing this ( Read more... )

panic disorder, disabilities, depression, mental illness, suicide, ptsd, geoffrey rush, cyberbullying, suicide by cop

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rushysgirl May 25 2011, 08:09:34 UTC
You have every right to post whenever you want on the community - that's what it's there for, so please don't let anyone or anything stop you from joining in! Yeah... you guys might not get along but the comm is there for everyone, after all, so if you can and, of course, still do want to post and comment and, you know, *squee* and so forth on the GR comm then don't let anything stop ya! ... that's your right to be there and if anyone says anything or makes any rude comments then that's their problem and it won't be your fault because you're just doing what you've always done, well, done for a very long time in Rushieland.

No one should be making any snide remarks over there because that's just not what the community is about, and never has been about! ... and if anyone does or continues to provoke people and treats anyone with disrespect there then Robey is a co-moderator and I'm sure if they've posted anything negative or not in the spirit of the community then Robes can deal with 'em! :D So yeaaah, please don't let anything stop you from taking part!


scarlett_0 May 25 2011, 12:15:42 UTC
Yes, I agree with Lauren.

I think not posting in the community is the wrong thing to do. There is no reason to fear anything because if any snide comments are made it will be there for everyone to see. And most people are smart enough to see through that kind of thing. Isolating yourself from the community will not help with your feelings it will only make things worse.


mooncove May 27 2011, 06:27:35 UTC
Thanks, both of you!

"you're just doing what you've always done, well, done for a very long time in Rushieland."

You mean rambling on and on till I give poor Cate a headache? ;)

What I worry about is that any nasty comments will come my way privately. (Or in her own journal. I know I have myself to blame for looking at it, but I was trying to find the link for that other entry about how disappointed and delusional I was expecting Geoffrey to woo me with rose petals and champagne and accidentally saw her latest installment entitled "Calling All Self-Motivated Business Owners" and thought, oh no, some spammer's stolen her password. I was totally unprepared for the vitriol I found there!) Or if such comments are made on the community, I'd hate it to into an argument with people either backing away so as not to be caught in the crossfire or taking sides, i.e., drama. All drama should be left to professionals like Geoffrey!

And as I said below, things have always been all peace, love, apples, & squee on the comm, and I'd hate to see it devolve into something like the IMDb boards. That would be very tragic indeed since LJ Rushies have been supporting each other for so long, whether we agree or not. Maybe I'm not on the comm enough, but I'm not aware of any other Rushies who can't get along, or don't at least try to. (I mean, I apologized to her till I was blue in the face trying to explain it was all a misunderstanding, and it made no difference!)

I suspect that harmonious (lol, I almost typed "hormonious"!) atmosphere is one of the reasons Geoffrey is so nice to us (not that he isn't already nice, but so he's generally assured with LJ that it will be a pleasant read). Although he did read the troll-infested IMDb boards before everyone moved over to LJ, right? Cuz he knew you and Robes would be coming to see him all those many years ago (does it seem as long ago to you as it does to me?). Do any of you still participate on IMDb?

"Isolating yourself from the community will not help with your feelings it will only make things worse."

OK, OK, I'll cautiously dip my toe back in the water in a few days or so. (I'm trying to cut back on my antidepressant that I increased when this mess first erupted, so I'm probably going to be hypersensitive for a few days; I've arranged for my family to protect me from any undue stress till I get stabilized on the lower dose.)

Maybe I'll have seen POTC4 by then. Although, while I haven't had a chance to check the community yet, a friend told me the reviews haven't been good. Even veteran reviewer for Entertainment Weekly, Owen Gleiberman, with whom I almost always agree, said it was so boring, with just one continuous plotline, he was actually longing for some CGI--anything to break up the monotony. And it was bogged down by too much Johnny Depp (yay, I'm not the only one with Johnny Depp fatigue!), who was front and center in every scene, causing him to lose his charm. (Geez, Disney, does it have to be all or nothing??? When are you going to learn ... it's Geoffrey who should be in every scene! Every scene that Ragetti isn't in, ahem. *cough*bringMackenzieback*cough ;) IMO, there's some latent comedic potential between Ragetti and Barbossa that almost succeeded in POTC3!) Also that Penelope Cruz didn't add much to the film, and the mermaid's acting was meh. He did praise Ian McShane's performance but nothing about Geoffrey's. I hope that's not an ill omen!

Ha, now I know exactly what we're going to be arguing about on the comm: whether there should be a POTC5 or not! I do sense a note of foreboding in Johnny's line: "Did everybody see that? Because I will not be doing it again." Also, we'll be arguing about historical accuracy as usual cuz Blackbeard was long dead before POTC1 even takes place! Well, I'll be arguing that, and everyone will be telling me to lighten up. In a nice, friendly, supportive way, of course. ;)

Anyway, it really helps to be reassured that you both care and want me to come back. *hugs*


mooncove May 27 2011, 07:34:15 UTC
OK, I went and dipped my whole pegleg in ... Right after I posted this reply, I saw "Geoffrey Rush" in the headlines on my homepage (Google news) and just had to share the article in the community. *holds breath and bites nails fearing what negative inference could possibly be made from said entry*


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