A role for Michael Emerson on True Blood

Sep 06, 2010 01:52

As I was catching up on True Blood (my very guilty "pleasure," there being pretty much nothing else worth watching on TV all summer; thank goodness since I haven't had the time anyway) tonight in preparation for the season finale--which, it turns out, doesn't premiere till next Sunday at 8:45 p.m. instead of 9:00, BTW--the perfect character for Michael Emerson to play on the show finally occurred to me. Of course, he couldn't have accepted it and "finished" out his role on Lost (which he's still giving me hope isn't finished!) and wouldn't have wanted it anyway, seeing as he's said he doesn't want to play a villain or a supernatural role (although he could have gotten his wish to play half of a gay couple!). But am I crazy to think he would have made a really good Russell Edgington? I've never seen him go over-the-top before (not that I wouldn't love to!), and the guy they already got for the role is pretty damn good at doing just the right amount of overacting for this cheeseball, comic-book-type show that owes more to Dark Shadows (which, like True Blood, threw in just about every supernatural creature from every mythology but the kitchen-sink monster, a.k.a. the Blob, albeit less self-consciously), but I would love to see Michael have a go at something a bit less understated than all the "creepy death stare" villains he's played on TV so far. Check out this clip and tell me what you think ...

image Click to view

And as if that weren't enough to convince you, how's this for poetic justice?

image Click to view

Mwahahahaha, I so enjoyed seeing Zeljko Ivanek get what was coming to him for stealing Michael's 2008 Emmy! I never saw the performance he won for, but he's been terrible in everything else I've seen him in with his monotonous delivery (particularly True Blood and The Mentalist ... and, of course, his detestable role as Juliet's cheating husband on Lost). I need scene stealing from my actors ... and Michael does it so masterfully, it's barely detectable, but you just can't take your eyes off him whenever he's on-screen! Well, I can't anyway.

OK, well, minus the fake southern accent, that is (a la that awful, dreary audiobook based on some real-life southern politician he did that I can't remember the name of now, let alone get through the first chapter of)! Yeah, he'll definitely have to play a northerner on the show. :( (Hey, how about this for an idea now that Edgington's off the table: What if Hurley, Locke, and Ben go stumbling through the swamp and find themselves in Bon Temps???!)

Of course, the above clips are going to be removed any minute due to "terms of use violations" (several versions already have been) so watch 'em while they're hot!

cross-posted to enigmaticlovers

acting, michael emerson, tv

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