Jul 21, 2008 14:37
i remember being slightly disgusted that i knew about H-bag's death less than two hours after he croaked. i was in Michigan, on my way to the Main, txting with Ashleigh.
i knew the next day i wouldn't care.
someone would say, "it's so sad."
and i would say, "how?"
on saturday i rode my bike to 20th and hawthorne. luke was wearing war paint and informed me he accepted my proposal of arch nemesis intent.
self-editing the movie to my own tastes, michael cain was no longer alfred. he was 'pee paw' the aunt jemimah of rich white people. batman hardly existed. all was the joker and commissh, that sweet banana mustache man, gordon.
on sunday, luke said we should make comics. someone asked who the next batman villain would be.
i said, "Sirhan Sirhan."
being a multi-level joke about the movie Bobby and The Dark Knight's all-star cast.
later that night i met nub cat and mistakenly believed she was trying to beat up nori. i threw a glass of water at her, and but now we are friends. nub cats are wonderful and probably a sign of good something. to be clear: nub cats have no tail, just perfect soft cat butt. this is in no way an encouragement of reg. cat mutilation. cats need their tails. that said. <3 nub cat.