One Step Closer

Apr 30, 2008 10:57

No one reads this, but I figure I should write on here every once in a while just to keep some semblance of a past when I'm older (assuming I can still access this somehow at some point in the future). My ability to recall details of memories is less than perfect. Ask me what I did a month ago, I can't even tell you. Scary. I wonder if there's any correlation between a shit memory and Alzheimer's later in life. I better take some Acetylcholine pills or something.

Tonight is my pinning ceremony. What is pinning, you ask? It's this ridiculously cheesy ceremony in which I have to dress up like Florence Nightingale (nurse's dress, white hose, nurse shoes, and yes, nurse cap like the ones you see in WWII movies). I have no idea what EXACTLY goes on at these things other than you get "pinned", by which I mean someone places a pin (that YOU are responsible for buying, along with every other part of the oufit)on the collar of your nurse's dress. It's supposed to symbolize your becoming a nurse.

The absolutely most ridiculous part of it is that as of tonight's pinning ceremony, I still have two classes left to tackle before I actually graduate (ahem, before I can even take my EXIT exam TO graduate). Of these two classes, one is notorious for causing nursing students to drop like flies out of the program. The premature celebration that will be going on tonight makes me cringe a bit- WHY JINX IT? Some people may think that I'm being negative- but I don't like to count my chickens before they hatch.

It'll be fun though. I can't wait to take pictures of all the little Florence Nightingale wannabes that will be in attendance (yes, even me).
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