I sit at work, I ponder some pretty strange things! Ecspecially if someone introduces a subject matter to me that is more random than my usual stream of thinking...or river of thinking that would probably fit more with the size of my random thought catalog! Anywho, I thought I might like to write some of them down, and even find my answer to some them hidden in some crazy space of my brain....(You never really know what is lurking around in there ya know!)
My first and foremost random thought/question (it can be either) is "Crazy"- define it, like Webster, give me a idea of it like Frued, or show me some picture of ink blots that look vaguley like Woody Allen and assigned the definition to me!! Its my faveorite random thing to ponder! Ecspecially the defintion of it...I mean if you think about it, who the hell decided what the defintion of crazy is? How did they decide on how to define a term that actually can be used for so many diffrent things? How long has it been around, as a word to describe someone who is (by society's standards) not quite right? Has it been around since time began? Did the Romans think Ceasar was crazy? I mean seriously, its a damn good question!!! Or at least the many hours I have spent pondering and trying to define have been CRAZY fun! Ah hahahahaha...yep, I am the walking defintion!! But really, you should go look at Wikitionary (
http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/crazy). its very interesting! You can learn to say it in 30 diffrent languages (for those that don't know the mandrin translation, its not there but i know it...Feng Le. just for your use! I love Joss!!)
I will have more random thoughts tomorrow! Its almost time for me to leave work! YIPPEE!!! I have to go work on some choreography...joy of joys! I realize that maybe todays randomness is not random to other people, but really everything becomes random when you are at work and staring at a computer screen thinking I could be home watching Firefly, drinking Sangria, all while in my undies! LOL!!!!! I really amuse the hell out of myself!