... goodness knows how seldom I check (let alone post) on LJ (incidentally, I just noted that I finished in grad school--5 years ago) but hey, I got a perma-account and even though I have since blogged elsewhere (and yes, twitter, facebook, foursquare and all that social media jazz--which wound up being part of my job,) this is still my most personal and dareIsay private of online journals that ironically enough is almost-all public.
Well, at least there isn't so much filtering here...
And wow, am I really less than 3 months away from having a decade old LJ?!? So gnarly...
But along with the old comes a lot of new: new computer (my '03 was on life-support, thankfully I was able to back it up before it went kapoot), new car (my old one failed smog check... twice, so decided against throwing more money @ trying to bring it up to code), and a new perspective on life. Plus with any luck, a
new pair of glasses too.
Incidentally, nostalgic to the max listening to all these old songs as I re-organize my music collection on the new laptop.
Anyhow, hope 2011 brings lots of joy for everyone!