Interview Meme

Jun 20, 2008 15:37

As asked by wenchilada

1. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday afternoon.
Morgan's being very fractious in general at the moment so we're not getting much sleep, and we seem to have come across the Arsenic Hour a little early (isn't he precocious?).
Seriously, I think I usually cry more than most adults. I'm starting to be okay with that.

2. Why feminism?
Why not? ;}
More seriously, Liss McEwan over at Shakesville wrote an insightful little piece awhile back about how, without feminism, there would still be all these niggling little things about her life and the world about her that would upset and irk her. Feminism gives her (and me) tools to interpret these things - so, rather than looking at a sexist beer ad or the bad behaviour of some male friends or acquaintances and declaring "men suck!" as a result of the behaviour of men in that ad, it's possible to say "the patriarchy sucks" and to develop a better understanding of why people behave the way they do - and hopefully, therefore, get a better idea as to how to go about changing those things that don't seem fair or kind.
Why is it something I choose to pour my time and efforts into? Why is it such a burning topic with me?
I think I come across more gung-ho here, in a mental space, than in real life. Which is not to say that I don't believe the things I say very strongly, I just think it's easier to come across as a raving loon in cyberspace and to behave like an idiot without meaning to in meatspace. :)
Feminism just gels with so much of my life experiences - feminist theory feeds into inequalities and problems that bother me every day, in my life. I'm a bleeding-heart liberal anyway, so I also get quite impassioned about racism (especially towards Indigenous Australians) and homophobia. But to return to your question, I'm not entirely sure just why feminism is my main focus. Maybe because I'm a white, middle-class woman (in-joke, half-serious, sorry)?

3. If you could have any band in the world play a gig in your backyard, who would you have and why?
Ooh, that's HARD.
Luckily, bands rule out soloists like Roisin Murphy and Tori Amos. And the live bit means Lamb or VAST wouldn't be all that much fun.
So I think I'd opt for Letters to Cleo, because they've broken up, so I could make them get back together just for me. ;)
And because then all my friends could come round and we could bop around and sing along to them. Coz what's the point of having a band in your backyard if you can't have a BBQ and enjoy it with your friends?

4. Where have you enjoyed living the most?
I did fall in love with London, but the place I most remember enjoying my life in the most was when I was saving to go there. I was at the bookstore four days a week, the wicked fairy and I had just hooked up and I was spending two nights or more per week at his place, and I was living in a one bedroom flat two blocks from the centre of town, where I worked.
The flat was a living space, an enormous bedroom and a decent sized bathroom (bath/shower! You didn't have to shut the door to sit on the toilet!), with a shared laundry downstairs. I was also four or five blocks from the beach - you could glimpse the ocean through the trees and buildings from my front door, as I was two floors off the ground, on the top of the complex.

5. Can you show me one of your best recipes?
I have a sweet tooth. I LOVE chocolate. So my favourites tend to be 'sometimes food' (in the words of the adulterated crap that passes for children's entertainment these days).
In that spirit I present to you: Devil's food Cake, as first made and enjoyed by me at eighteen, for a Full Moon feast!

2 cups castor sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1 cup buttermilk or yoghurt (plain, unflavoured)
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
2 cups plain flour
1 tsp bi-carb
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla essence
Sugar, to taste

  • Combine half the sugar, the cocoa and half the yoghurt and beat until well blended
  • Separately, beat butter until softa nd creamy, add the remaining sugar and cream until light and frothy
  • Beat in eggs to the first mixture (one at a time) then slowly add the second mixture to the first, in about three to four parts, blending well before adding more.
  • Measure flour and sift with bicarb and salt.
  • Add a third to the wet mixture, beat well.
  • Add the reamining yoghurt, beat again.
  • Add another third of the dry mix, beat again.
  • Add the vanilla essence, beat well.
  • Add the final third.
  • Grease your pan and sprinkle liberally with sugar (I prefer raw or brown)
  • Bake for one hour at 180 degrees Celcius

Best served with whipped, thickened cream or vanilla icecream!


The conditions of the meme:

The Rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me" or something of an equally pithy nature.
2. I will respond (that is, if I can) by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature. Be warned!
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions, or there will be trouble.
4. You will include this and an offer to be interviewed by someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.

interview, meme, sheepage

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