Heroes, health and bellydancing

May 12, 2008 12:41

I'm feeling slightly more cheerful today than at the beginning of the weekend.
My anxiety levels have spiked, what with the gallstones, blood pressure up and down, growing hip-joint pain and potential Immanent Baby Arrival on Friday, so I'm not sleeping very well these nights. I've also developed a nasty cold and a tendency to gastric reflux like that experienced MUCH earlier in my pregnancy (now with bonus low-level nausea! And occasional sinus headache!) which combined with some other low-level pains and problems to make me feel rather sorry for myself, but I'm taking it easy and letting fairy_nuff make me meals and help me do things round the house. Which he does quite happily, because he's fabulous.

I think this weekend is the last I'll be bellydancing for a while, regardless of IBA. My hips are just too sore, and I'm getting too heavy and awkward - I was puffing and panting in a very embarrassing way on Saturday. I still managed half the class, and I think if I was in better shape (and health) - i.e, hadn't taken the massive break when I went overseas - I'd probably be even better equipped for continuing.
Nevermind. I plan to go back as soon as I'm up to it - which may be a couple of months, mind you.

Yesterday I finished watching the first season of Heroes (thanks to ka5umi for the loan). I'm not going to lie - it's a made for TV rip-off of X-men at best, I'm not going to pretend it's not fluff, but I enjoyed it. (I know! *le gasp!* I can, on occasion, enjoy crap! Le shock! Le horreur!)
But please - is it just me, or does the constant half-bottle of black mascara on the ohso blonde cheerleader Claire freak anyone else OUT? Especially in her closeups. I keep thinking her eyelashes are about to eat her face. But then, the level of obvious makeup she wears freaks me out too. Her skin looks constantly airbrushed from the inch-thick matte foundation. Which I'm guessing is trying to keep with the comic-book inspired 'simplified' sets and costumes, but it's so much more noticeable on her than anyone else. Strange.

tv, heroes, fandom, health, body, bellydancing, media

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