The baby, s/he come...

May 08, 2008 20:03

My blood pressure has returned to normal (for me).
The carpal tunnel in my hands is much worse - my fingers constantly tingle now.

Saw a very nice doctor at the clinic today. Discussed a bunch of stuff.
ECV, all systems are go.
I'm conditionally booked in for an ECV for Friday - a week from tomorrow.

Tomorrow my regular midwife is going to check my cervical dilation (they shove a hand up me and feel around. Lovely.) which I'm anticipating will be uncomfortable to mildly painful (like a pap smear) and possibly 'sweep the membranes' (begin to separate my amniotic sac from the side of my uterus, in an attempt to encourage my cervix to "ripen" or dilate) which I'm anticipating to be anywhere from mildly uncomfortable to "bloody hell, period-like cramps for the next several hours".
The reading I've done is suggesting that this could potentially cause me to voluntarily go into labour in the next few days - which, with an unturned baby, will probably mean a caesarean section.
My cervix needs to be "ripe" for them to perform ECV - because, if the process is successful they will induce labour that day anyway, apparently, to reduce the risk of Splodge re-turning, or being stressed out. Since my chances of having a c-section are high without ECV, and more importantly my cervix needs to be already ripe for them to practice the ECV and successfully trigger a natural labour (which the process is actually supposed to do), I think I'm okay with the risk of an early labour. I trust my midwife to talk to me about it and give me a fair risk assessment at any rate, and I think she understands where I'm at and what I would like.
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