yeah, i know i haven't updated in a while...
i've been trying to keep up with
you guys as often as possible, and i've been pretty good about it, but i will admit i've been falling behind on those duties a bit as well. for that i am truly sorry. but you all know i still love you dearly, don't you?
...but you know what? i'm NOT going to apologize for not updating.
i won't.
now, i'll apologize for leaving you in suspense regarding the thrilling happenings of my life [...riiiiiight.]
but hell, it's my journal. if i'm busy and don't have time to update, then i can't benefit from the therapeutic nature of the action of writing... so then i suppose i'm the one who suffers most greatly, am i not?
...but i appreciate the words of encouragement. they were just what i needed to get me off my ass and back into the wonderful world of LJ!
had a marvelous break...
relaxed a bit, which was greatly needed after this past semester [paid off, though - i managed to pull off a 4.0 for the fall - hurrah for that!] had much quality time with the family - and of course Christmas was wonderful... there is nothing like the Beard house at Christmastime... puts the north pole to shame, i'm tellin' you.
attended a spec-freakin'-tacular football game with my dad on new year's eve... santa put the tickets in my stocking, and God love him for it, cause it was bee.yoo.tee.ful. war damn eagle.
met a boy. he is strange and musical and sweet. i think i shall keep him for a while.
got to see most of the friends i made plans to see at least once, and was pleasantly surprised to encounter some that i didn't necessarily plan to while traversing the city. one night in particular at the saucer was like a weird reunion of most of the facets of my past life, be they high school, choir, work, or otherwise... quite random, but quite fun as well.
um, you know... i know other stuff happened too, but i can't really think of it right now.
probably cause it's sleepytime.
trying to get back into that whole going-to-bed-so-i-can-get-up-for-class thing.
yes. sleep is good.
sweet dreams to all.