Musings a month after a car accident

Nov 29, 2019 22:59

Physically I am getting better.

Slowly. Two steps forward, one step back. The good news is that because of my CBD supplement, which I get from CTFO, I take fewer ibuprofen than if I didn’t take CBD. I am definitely glad I found CBD when I did.

The bad news is that I am struggling mentally and still have a bit of PTSD when it comes to driving. Happened last night when driving my SIL home. Confused the headlights from behind me to those coming in off my peripheral vision. Made a quick stop and swerve that confused my husband and SIL. I held back tears for the rest of the trip and broke down after getting home.

I am definitely poor mentally since I sabotaged us going to ballroom Showcase by falling victim to a master manipulator and buying gift cards that were never paid back. This part of the post is to make people aware that there are those that prey on others, no matter what they were told about current mental states. Be alert and set up boundaries. I should have many months ago. Because of my caring nature I fell into his trap.

Last night I decided that I am no longer going to suppress my nature of reiki or wanting to learn how to read tarot cards. Despite what my other half thinks of it. It is me. It is something that I am interested in and what I am going to explore. I am a natural healer. Energy work comes naturally to me, especially in the presence of others who are energy affiliated. This Is Me!

I know I need to communicate better with people, though I seem to only communicate my feelings best through the written word. Something I need to work on to become a better person.

Hope to keep writing here in the near future. Thanks for listening!
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