(no subject)

Nov 15, 2008 22:44

So I met this pretty amazing guy, or maybe I'm just too willing to move on and fall hard too fast. But I really like him. We've texted like every day since Halloween pretty much and hung out last Tuesday. It was great, we saw a movie, and then he came to my place, and we just talked. He was a total gentleman and I totally am not used to it. Seems like we talk about everything, except what we think about each other on a more than friends level. Anyways, our last conversation was about relationships and I haven't heard from him since. It's lame cause it's only been like two days, but I'm totally bumed out. I hope I hear from him again and he just tells me he's been really busy, or something happened with his phone. Dude just seems too good to be true. Well not really, he has faults that I can't deny, but he feels good for me. I just get that feeling from him. *pouts*
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