Dec 30, 2003 09:45
I just have to update abut the day before yesterday hehehe, it was sooo funny... although it was definatly a case of you having to be there... but anyway, I went to ashleys (which although its fun, its all i seem to do these days) and john was there, so the 3 of us played loadsa rounds of Soul Calibur 2 (ok, i cant spell calibur) but anyway-that was fun, cos i wasnt as easy to beat this time, cos i beeeen practising!!! Granted, Ive been practising on the playstation one, an we were playing the xbox one... but hey! I put up a good fight, we played it for hours until we realised what time is was, we'd played like 60/70 rounds when ashleys electric ran out!!! so we lost all record of the rounds we played... which sucked! So that was our slap round the face, we realised that we should go upstairs... so we did... the rest of the day is a bit of a blur, cos ashley started rolling an smoking joints... lol... we came down stairs a few more times, played SC2 a few more times, went to the shops a few times... went back upstairs a few times lol (all a bit hard to remember) me an john wernt smoking anything, but you could tell we were felling sooooome of the effects through passive smoking... like things became funnier or we started talking really indepth about the world issues an all that junk! it was fun! they both were discussing what happens to me when im in my laughing fits, ashleys has lived through ALOT of them, im talking... 6/7 years worth! an i was making john crack up with my cracking up... an we made a 48 song playlist... which lasted just over 2 hours i think...
Quotes of that day!
John (to ashley) 'Oh jus smoke the joint u fag!' ashley was taking his time with the last joint an we wannid to play more SC2...
Me (to ashley after playing a bit of SC2, and him saying 'i wanna role another joint) 'Oh come on ash, you've just smoked 13!' which was the truth, ash had indeed roled, an smoked 13 joints to himself over about 8 hours...
John (talking about ashley an his 13 joints) 'Its like fuckin ur nan, u mite talk bout it, but u dont do it' errrrmmm...
John (to ashley) 'If I fall asleep ash, just hit dan!'
and then we alllll fell asleep one by one in ashleys bed (which i know ashley enjoyed, me an john either side of him...) an it even ment he could finally say to me 'Dan come back to bed' which according to him, he had waited along time to say!
Yesterday, i was sposed to go to farnburough to meeeet ma super special cool friend Nattty!! an stay over hers until today-but it wasn't the farn burough that I thought it was... I thought it was the one next to orpington, in kent... but nooooo, *slaps head* its in Hampshire-I should have known... any thing with 'shire' on the end is along way away! So that had to be put off for now :'( which is a shame because i was loooooookin forward to that!
And today, me, ash, john and kris (maybe) are off up london to do some shooooping! hehehe!