Has it really been two months?

Feb 11, 2010 15:08

Wow, it has been that long. About time I tore myself away from reality.

Well, some of you may have noticed that this whole sad excuse for an 'updated live-journal' the middle of two transitions:

1.) I'm learning the joys of CSS programming in LJ.

2.) I'm finding new clubs to join and deleting some old ones
(some of them either just got too boring or overrun with kids who whine/yell/complain).

It wasn't that difficult to get the frist priority down; find a good help manual and hope to god it works. And, it did work... the results speak for themselves (in the metaphoric sense). All I have to do now is finish my little star dudes, work on the sidebar and I'm done (and not to forget to access the Christmas Gift that givemeyourwings sent me).

However, I haven't done much with this - between the classes and snow indused brownouts.

Yes, the major news of the week is the major snowstorm that dumped a foot of snow through the southern Lakes Region, from Chicago to Detroit. Though it wasn't a big enough storm to have a CNN story (and kind of eclipsed by East Coast Blizzard II), it was wicked brutal, to say the least. Toledo gtopped out at 12" even. Most of the city was closed on Tuesday, and into Wednesday, since the snow was the wet, heavy kind that blocks roadways and plows over cars. No buses, trains... heck, the state even had to close the 80-90 Ohio Turnpike because things got bad - like this driver shows. I can't complain much, I did end up getting two days off from work.

Though I do feel bad for Chicago, not only did they get snow-blasted, but they also had a 3.2 earthquake.

Funny thing is, my co-workers are rather surprised that I wasn't all that shocked with our spontanious vacation time. Not all of them quite know that I'm not a stranger to massive snow that turn metropolitan cities into ghost towns - you talking to a person that drove from Maine to Boston in the middle of the '96 Blizzard (and got stranded at Logan during the '05 one).

Dennis -my neighbor from Okinawa- on the other hand, was at a loss for words. First time in his life the dude ever operated a snow blower.

As for priority plan #2... that is becoming a slowly to work process. Guess my hobbies don't seem to be all that popular with the general LJ nightlife.

real-life adventures, updates, atomic bling

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