
Feb 25, 2013 18:57

Time: Bitter Pill: Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us

Buzzfeed: Meet Kevin, The Gay Llama Farmer From Kentucky
His animal sanctuary - home to 51 llamas and more than 300 animals total - is in jeopardy because just over a year ago, Kevin was fired for being gay. Kentucky is one of 38 states in which employees can legally be fired for being LGBT.

Care2: Drug Dogs At Traffic Stops? SCOTUS Says Go For It!

Care2: Dolphins Have Their Own Names for Each Other

Care2: U.S. Government Plans To Air Drop Toxic Mice To Fight Snake Invasion -- Aside from concerns about the toxins entering the food chain, I'm baffled that they're trying to use "dead and decomposing" mouse scent as a lure for snakes. Snakes eat live prey. Even in captivity, it's hard to get them to eat pre-killed, and it generally had to be made as much like live as possible (wiggled about, warmed, etc).

Care2: New Test May Signal End to [Leprosy]

Buzzfeed: 38 Maps You Never Knew You Needed

ThinkProgress: Oklahoma May Deny Women Affordable Birth Control Because It ‘Poisons Their Bodies’

KCET: Hopeful preliminaries on long-lasting battery power

ONTD_Political: The Kansas Supreme Court ruled Friday that the non-biological mother of children in a same-sex relationship can have the same parental rights as the biological mother.

NPR: Beyond Visible: LGBT Characters In Graphic Novels

IO9: Long lost continent discovered beneath the Indian Ocean

IO9: How to Measure the Power of Alien Civilizations Using the Kardashev Scale

IO9: Most U.S. tuna isn’t really tuna, and confusion can lead to oily anal leakage

IO9: In Reality, Nebulae Offer No Place for Spaceships to Hide


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