Linketies (especially reproductive and voting rights)

Sep 25, 2012 23:27

SUNDAY RUMPUS ESSAY: KNOCKED OVER: ON BIOLOGY, MAGICAL THINKING AND CHOICE -- Really, really powerful piece about the complexities of unintended pregnancy.

I am extraordinarily pleased about this. CCF does a big United Way program, and supporting BSA has been a long-standing problem of mine with putting money into the General Fund. I just called to thank them and increase my pledge next year substantially, while being very clear about why. I'd encourage anyone who feels moved to do something similar -- they're going to be taking a lot of heat as this comes out, and the people answering the phones over there could use some positivity and cheer, I'm sure. Even if you can't change your pledge, a quick call to thank and support them would go a long way.
I found the main number, (216) 436-2100, was better for getting me a live person instead of voicemail, fwiw. Clevelanders, please share this out!

Our Time: Today is National Voter Registration Day! Are you registered? Are your friends and family?

Ohio Voters: Vote-by-mail registration -- This is provided by the Dems, but you can use it regardless of how you're registered. Whatever your views, make sure you have your chance to voice them!

Join Preterm, home of the My Abortion, My Life campaign to end abortion stigma, the Dittrick Medical History Center, and the Front Room Gallery as we welcome nationally renowned artist Heather Ault to Cleveland for a weekend of talks, exhibitions, and hands-on art creation. -- THIS WEEKEND!!! (events start Thursday)

Rachel Maddow shares a clip from an Al Jazeera documentary in which an Ohio State Legislator who is advocating extreme anti-abortion legislation for his state admits he never considered the matter from a woman's perspective

Fault Lines : The abortion war (the Al-Jazeera documentary -- also includes footage from Preterm, the awesome clinic where I volunteer starting around 8:40)

Former Abortion Provider Says Climate Now More Dangerous than When He Performed Illegal Abortions

Operating Under a Broken System: On Legitimate Abortions and Forced Triage


Todd Akin's Brain: It's Not Just a War on Women. It's a War on Critical Thinking and Democracy.

Mississippi Clinic Denied Hospital Admitting Privileges Mandated by TRAP Law

Paul Ryan's attack on contraception coverage

Why Black Women Are Under Attack

Wikipedia: List of common misconceptions -- fun way to waste some time

We Are Good Women - Part One (pro-choice vid)

Senator Scott Brown’s staffers mock Elizabeth Warren with racist chant

“Racist” signs expose racist signs

Footage of NYPD's Brutal Raid That Ended 2-Month Occupation of Zuccotti Park Released
This release of the footage is the first major public documentation of the raid on November 15, 2011, when the police arrested an estimated 200.

Elizabeth Warren is GOP Target #1: Smear Campaigns Start in Key Races -- It's the Start of Political Mud Season

Appalling: Citizens United Unleashed Almost 80% of This Year's Election Spending
SuperPACs account for lion's share of this year's spending.

The Wikipedia profiles of women in technology and engineering will be updated at an "edit-a-thon" held at the Royal Society next month.

This is what the world’s oceans would look like if the Earth didn’t spin

How The Right's Latest Conspiracy Theory Might Unleash a Wave of Domestic Terrorism if Obama Wins
Some types of spin are more dangerous than others.

Jill Biden Inadvertently Makes A Penis Joke -- Really adorable.

Intel Ends Donations to Boy Scouts Because of Antigay Policy

Archaeologists searching for the body of England's King Richard III under a city centre parking lot said on Wednesday they had found remains which could be those of the monarch depicted by Shakespeare as an evil, deformed, child-murdering monster.

Hundreds of protesters angry over last week's killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya stormed the compound of the Islamic extremist militia suspected in the attack, evicting militiamen and setting fire to their building Friday.

6 Major Reasons You Should Care About the Labor Battles in Professional Sports
Sports labor battles result in some of the only nationwide, well-publicized discussions of union negotiations and union busting.

More Lockouts as Companies Battle Unions

7 Things You Won't Believe Science Says Make You Happy

Why Obama Is the Least Efficient Antichrist Ever

Midwives, Nurses, Physicians Assistants Provide Safe Abortion Care, Study Finds

And then there was one
Having failed to ban abortion, activists are trying to regulate it out of existence

6 Parodies That Succeeded Because Nobody Got the Joke

Tenn. Abortion Clinic Closes, Citing State Law

TRAP Laws and Intimidation Has Its Intended Effects On Clinics

Evidenced-Based Advocacy: (Mis)-Understanding Abortion Regret

5 Surprisingly Positive Side Effects of Horrible Diseases

A Tale Of Two Illegal Abortions

Rent-to-Own Laptops Secretly Photographed Users Having Sex, FTC Says
Under the settlement, the companies can still use tracking software on their rental computers, so long as they advise renters, the FTC said. The companies include Aspen Way Enterprises Inc.; Watershed Development Corp.; Showplace Inc., doing business as Showplace Rent-to-Own; J.A.G. Rents LLC, doing business as ColorTyme; Red Zone Inc., doing business as ColorTyme; B. Stamper Enterprises Inc., doing business as Premier Rental Purchase; and C.A.L.M. Ventures Inc., doing business as Premier Rental Purchase.

Debunking the NYT feature on the wastefulness of data-centers

Spanking Children & Mental Health: Punishment Linked To Disorders Later In Life

President Barack Obama Defends Freedom of Speech at the UN.

Welcome to the science & technology policy guide by and for young voters and people interested in S&T policy.

The Potential Impact of Voter Identification Laws on Transgender Voters

Cleveland organization offers help to ex-felons on election issues

Black ministers working to register 25,000 voters in Cuyahoga County

The do’s, don’ts, maybes, and I-don’t-knows of cultural appropriation.

America’s 6 Out Bisexual Elected State Officials


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