Washington state inmates raise endangered frogs & butterflies for release into wild The moral case for sex before marriage
Condemning premarital sex and promoting abstinence are not working. Lasting, loving relationships are made through intimacy Rick Perry Wants To Replace Planned Parenthood With Crisis Pregnancy Centers That Don’t Provide Health Services Bittersweet October: Fighting American Indian Stereotypes RIP, Thomas Szasz, Pioneering Psychiatry Critic (belated, but I want to tell people about him anyway; I didn't always agree with him 100%, but I found him a deeply important counterpoint to how psych issues are traditionally framed)
Plan B comes to some New York City Public Schools The GOP understands how the female body works (SNL clip for g.o.b. tampons)
Why I Probably Won’t Do Porn Again: Sexism and Being a Woman on the Internet Romney's "Charity" to the Church is Just More Corporate Greed and Tax Evasion -- Romney's whole "it's kinda like I paid taxes because I decided to donate to my church" logic absolutely infuriates me. I grew up in a tithing household. Tithing and taxes are not, in any practical or ethical way, interchangeable.
Voter purges and ID requirements being enacted in over 20 states could disenfranchise at least 10 million Hispanic citizens. Mitt Romney: Don't Have Health Care? Call Ambulance and Hope for the Best Republican Staffers Charged With 36 Counts of Election Fraud (Michigan) Is Alzheimers Just Another Form of Diabetes? How Our Diet May Be Destroying Our Brains
There is a strong and growing body of evidence showing a link between the dreaded disease and our high sugar consumption. 3 Ways to Tell Girls How Cool Science Is Here She Is: First Female Quarterback In A Florida High School (Video) Study shows gender bias in science is real. Here’s why it matters. How Humans Lost Our Chance at a Third Eye The war on pubic hair must end -- I'm not in favor of telling other people what they should do with their own bodies. I am, however, in favor of education about risks involved (which is the primary focus of the article).
Shocker Stat: Life Expectancy Decreases by 4 Years Among Poor Whites in U.S. The “Vagina” Scientist Strikes Back: Dr. Jim Pfaus’s Defense of Naomi Wolf, Fact-Checked Booze Protecting its Turf Against Pot in Colorado Sexting Teens Are Having Sex?!? It's Not Exactly Big News 19-Year-Old Girl Is Uganda's Newest Lawmaker A Reaction To The Backlash Against Mindy Kaling