Most awesome shoes EVER. Bec and Grafton and I all desperately want pairs of the various styles. And if I wanted to wear them with socks, I even have
a number of pairs of toesocks, so I guess I could. I think they'd fit our dress code at work, technically. I'm very tempted to find out. Ideally, I'd love a pair of the Treks and a pair of the Performas. Not in the budget anytime soon, but someday...
Most Ohioans support medical marijuana, pollsters say, but state lawmakers shy away and
the comment-of-the-day replies about the original article)
In the upcoming issue of Newsweek, Evan Thomas and Eve Conant report on how “‘Patriot’ groups- described by the [Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)] as outfits ‘that see the federal government as part of a plot to impose ‘one-world government’ on liberty-loving Americans’ - are ‘roaring back’ after years out of the limelight.” According to the SPLC, there has been “a 244 percent increase in the number of active Patriot groups in 2009, growing from 149 groups in 2008 to 512 groups in 2009. Newsweek also notes that recent years have seen a resurgence in membership in the Ku Klux Klan We Are the Dead: Sex, Assault, and Trans Women -- a good post about the additional layers to sexual assault against trans women.
For Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders, aggregating so many groups can mask important health disparities. -- This is something that obviously needs serious attention in regards to these communities specifically, but I also wonder how our tendency to identify our own "race" based on cultural association and phenotype makes this problematic for most sorts of statistical analyses of "race" and health. In some cases, there are systemic or environmental commonalities for people in a shared community where that could be particularly useful regardless of genetics, but I think it's also important to acknowledge that we now know that genetic diversity across the african continent is broader than between many parts of Africa and Europe, and also that many people who are culturally identified as part of one "race" may be genotypically much more strongly influenced by risk factors associated with the "race" with which they don't identify, if they are of mixed heritage. I really do wonder how soon we're likely to go to genetic group markers to try to do this sort of research, rather than self-identification. It's really fraught territory on a lot of levels, and not something about which I know huge amounts, so I'm basically throwing out a few questions while trying not to put my foot in my mouth.
Lego Artisan Creates Endangered Species for Zoo The Unbelievers: Ministers Who Decide There Is No God and the original article:
The unbelievers
What happens when a minister decides there's no God? (also, the
paper itself)
I really admire Daniel Dennett immensely, and his book
Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon is possibly my favorite of the "New Atheist" writings.
Okla. tea parties and lawmakers envision militia Atheist Barbie