I did go back through the stack of papers after all (at least part of it).
Loss of Oestrus and Concealed Ovulation in Human Evolution (pdf file) -- this is pretty fascinating, particularly in relation to my
post a week or so ago (actually, I found the article when I was looking for more info in relation to those questions). I haven't finished it yet, and the comments at the end look at least as interesting (challenges to some of his interpretations), but I figured I'd toss the link up while I'm thinking about it.
Home Sweet Nursing Home -- new models for humane and positive nursing homes may actually be more cost-efficient! This gives me some hope that maybe these changes have some possibility of being applied more broadly.
Our Assumptions About What Causes Chronic Diseases Could Be Wrong -- an interesting article about the potential uses of toxicogenomics to determine how different environmental factors may affect people in extremely diverse ways, depending on their genes. When I first started reading it, I thought it was going to be another overly alarmist and unscientific polemic about whatever the risk-of-the-day is, but it turned out to be both reasonable in its approach, and a fascinating insight into newer research techniques.
HBO Airs A-Bomb Footage Kept From Media for Decades -- depressing, but well worth reading. I need to set this to tape, if it's still playing.
Dr. Bronner’s Magic Media Soap Opera -- I think I mentioned the documentary a while back, when I caught it on TV, but this includes a bit more, including a link to a YouTube short of some sort (can't see it from work, and obviously can't read it on the hard copy). And really, it is some damned great soap -- wonderful for camping, especially, since it can be used for everything, and it's biodegradable, and the bottle is perfect shower entertainment, too.
Fare-Free Public Transit Could Be Headed to a City Near You -- I'm sure it's just shocking that I think this is a brilliant idea, and should be happening more.
Bloomberg Thinks You Should Pay to Photograph New York -- Yeah, just plain offensive. Because all the artists I know have oodles of cash to throw around for insurance.
Five Ways Bush's Era of Repression Has Stolen Your Liberties Since 9/11 Emails Detail RNC Voter Suppression in Five States -- one really just doesn't have to be a conspiracy theorist anymore.
Why Do Doctors Get to Decide When a Woman Is Old Enough to Have Her 'Tubes Tied'? Do You Live in One of the World's 15 Greenest Cities? -- a quick little read about ways in which various cities are making progress.
The Key To Good Health That No One Is Talking About: Money -- a brief little snippet about the correlations between income disparity in a community and health outcomes (it's only addressed obliquely here, but I wish I could find the article from a while back that really got into specifics about how experiences of hierarchal powerlessness and stress were highly correlated with health outcomes).