May 12, 2009 22:45
Yeah, so I read over my last post and it sounded pretty whiny. I should probably clarify that a) it really was a good housewarming party, b) it was more important to me than most events because it was an opportunity for people to see our new home and our hard work, and they probably won't get the chance to see it again for a long time, and c) the self-centered friends I mentioned aren't any of the people who read this journal, so please, no worries. Still, just uh...disregard that last post. Except for the part about the awesome friends. :)
Now that we've done the house thing, I feel like I need another project or hobby to work on. I seem to be kind of bad about trying/maintaining hobbies; maybe I need the instant gratification of a short-term project? Anyway, I'm open to suggestions. All of the home improvement projects require money I can't afford to spend right now.