Geez I seriously don't like my half bro. Emailed him about the urgency to tell someone on that side of the family that my mom died, and he gets all hurt, telling me I talked to him like he was two. Keep in mind, that when I asked if he told the person, which I told him to tell them weeks ago, his email just said "no". So yeah, he acted like a little kid, especially since he took me off his friends list and I can't email him unless we're friends. He also stated that he doesn't know me, which is his fathers fault and his since I added him because I wanted to know my family. Everytime I tried to ask questions and know him, he gave short answers and was vague. When I tried to relate to him about his mom almost dying, he said I didn't know what I was talking about, which is not true seeing as my half sister, or rather his actual sister told me how she almost died of breast cancer.
I can go on about more than he knows of that side of the family. I know our father almost died before and I know that he cheated on their mom before. The fucker is just 18. At least the half sister had some enthusiam about talking to me, unfortunately a little too much for me which is why it threw me off so much. He was the only contact I had to that side of the family, and he has to be a little bitch and just take me off his list where he's listed as private. He never even asked his sister if I could have her number so I talk to her since she doesn't have myspace anymore. Well theres two reasons why I don't like that side now, or maybe its the male side at least. No, I recall his mother always looking at me like I didn't belong when I visited. Guess I was right to consider myself an orphan and only child.
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