[Action; backdated before the PTGC letter scandal]

May 14, 2011 19:13

[Seifer's been rather quiet since Irvine swung by and picked him up, a little unsure of how to approach the Hexadragon in the room. It was somewhat daunting, to say the least, to be peacefully recovering from what could qualify as serious trauma when all of a sudden he was transferred to a place where he'd done even worse things and he can't ( Read more... )

seifer almasy, !action post, rinoa heartilly

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Comments 19

livelyangel May 15 2011, 18:00:04 UTC

[There's a mixture of anxiety and anticipation on Rinoa's face as she finds somewhere quiet for them to sit down and chat.]

You know, when I saw you... I wasn't sure whether to tell you or not. Because you don't remember, and it would be selfish of me to put all that on your shoulders... But I guess the cat's out of the bag, so...

The last time I saw you when we were here before, we were in Alexandria. Ultimecia was controlling me... And you were my knight. You went into the castle to hold off anyone who might come to stop me, while I went up right to the top to find the Queen... and kill her.

After that, I woke up in a cell. I heard that you were imprisoned too, but I never got to see you. I wanted to... I wanted to ask when she got to you. How willing you were. I don't think - I don't blame you for any of it, but - I think I might have helped to push you into it.

[She shrugs, offering him a tired smile.]I guess I'll never know what happened from your perspective. But I know what it's like to be controlled. So I wanted to ( ... )


Evil mun is so late D: crossofsaints May 18 2011, 00:07:47 UTC
Ultimecia's knight. Not yours. Only hers. [He has to interrupt, to correct her. It's not your fault, Rinoa.

After that he listens quietly for the rest of what she has to say. And feels awful, even if he isn't about to admit it to anyone. To go through that alone. This is wrong, Rinoa is supposed to be miss sunshine. To the point of annoyance, sometimes, buts still. Not… She shouldn't have to deal with this.]

First off, Angelface, it's not selfish to want someone to share with. Rai and Fuu, they… they helped me a lot, pulled stupid things. Heh, Fuu even kicked Raijin off the dock to cheer me up. It was classic. [There's an amused smirk on his face at the memory.] I couldn't 've dealt with those first few weeks without 'em.

Second, you're pretty awesome, Rin, but even you aren't awesome enough to drag Almasy into playing puppet for a time witch. He did that all on his lonesome, ya hear? [Another smirk, though more self deprecating this time ( ... )


/slaps livelyangel May 18 2011, 00:32:58 UTC
[She laughs a little at the mention of Fujin kicking Raijin off the dock. But for the rest, she's serious, listening in silence. Rinoa never really knew the exact extent of Ultimecia's influence over Seifer. But she nods, because he's probably right, and it's the best she's going to get anyway.

The talking remark earns him a punch on the arm, but gets another smile out of her at least.]

I guess it's okay for me to carry on then.

[She draws her legs up, wrapping her arms around her knees.]

Well, that was the gist of it. I don't know if you want the details. Some people are still resentful though. I'd avoid Alexandria if I were you.


/is slapped crossofsaints May 18 2011, 02:00:54 UTC
[He rubs his arm, makes an exaggerated 'ow' face and then sticks his tongue out at her before laughing.]

Alexandria, huh? I think Puberty-boy said something about that, now that you mention it.

Speaking of which, how are things with you and Leonhart, anyways?

[He makes a patient listening face and hopes he didn't just open an ugly can of worms.]


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