[voice/video, semi-filtered]

Apr 28, 2011 23:49

...The Veldt really is an interesting place.

[After Memoria, Rishfee took as much opportunity as he could to be alone. No-one and nothing could have prepared him for what the castle of memories presented to him, and for his own good he needed to get out; away from others and spend time in his own thoughts to be able to continue. Memoria had presented problems to him, immediate ones. Questioning his own existence was one of those problems. An immediate hatred for what he was; the human side of him startled, shocked, and sickened by memories which had long been repressed.

Now though, he was better. Much better. Perhaps he was less human; but he wasn't afraid be what he was any longer. Now, he embraced it.]

I will return shortly. I apologize for any worry I have caused. Captain Steiner, if you are still willing; let us make rearrangements for your trip to Nashmau at your earliest possible convenience.

[Filtered;Vincent / Rughadjeen.]

It's funny. Memories which I had long forgotten to protect myself are now clear. However painful... Memoria was a needed experience. But... I think it's changed me. One of my aptitude questions back then, to become a blue mage, and what captain Raubahn asked me was as follows.

You stand on the precipice between life and death. Would you choose to live life as a beast if it would save you from falling into the shadowy abyss of the underworld?

...I think my answer has changed from what I said back then. Maybe I've changed. ...How are things? Has the world changed?

[Oblivious to death and doom? Yes.]

rishfee, !voice post, adelbert steiner, vincent valentine, !video post

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