['Nother phone call for Ms. Yun Fang]

Apr 28, 2011 23:18

Hey! Fang!

[He sounds distinctly harried, and apologetic as well.]

I am so damned sorry about the other week. Shit got weird. I mean, one minute I'm walkin' through some weird rubble-scape, the next I'm sat talkin' to you on the Lindblum weird. Just when I'm startin' to get the hang of things around here, they go an' throw a massive curveball.
An' then there's Lindblum....Still tryin' to figure out what exactly happened there...

Anyway, enough of me feelin' sorry for myself. I've got the booze, an' as soon as we're done takin' care of this thing for Cissnei, I'll drop by an' we can make proper jackasses of ourselves, if you're still up for it. You can even hit me for bein' late.

[He really is very sorry. That whole mess with Memoria has kind of freaked him out. Forgive him?]

rygdea, oerba yun fang

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