[Action in South Figaro]

Feb 17, 2011 02:52

[It's selfish, perhaps, to be as glad as she is that none of her own students were killed in the battle. They havn't managed to avoid injury as completely as she'd hoped but Porom embraces hope where she finds it and the knowledge that she's not led anyone to their deaths is comforting. And she needs that comfort right now, fairly desperately, ( Read more... )

warrior of light, ursula leiden, !action post, porom, bartz klauser, minwu

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Makeshift clinic, a few days after the attack. leavesparties February 17 2011, 22:57:49 UTC
[Compared to Costa Faguita, thankfully Figaro's citizenry haven't fared particularly terrible from the invasion. It appeared that the castle's design had allowed most to get out of the way from Lufene and the company the witch was currently keeping; and for that Minwu was thankful. He was mainly dealing with accidents which had occured in the scramble to safety rather than major wounds thanks to the attacking force ( ... )


Makeshift clinic, a few days after the attack. praygenius February 17 2011, 23:57:09 UTC
[The resilience of Figaro's population is contagious, it seems. After a day or so of panic and everyone involved working themselves to the point of exhaustion the air of 'calm down, chin up and get on with it' has finally spread to the clinic. It isn't easy work, by any means, but it's calm and efficient instead of the mad rush that it had been at first.

A few hours' sleep - her students had finally convinced her to rest for the sake of efficiency, she would be little help in an emergency if she was exhausted beyond being capable of using magic - has done Porom a world of good. She's still fairly tired but she's at least cheerful about it, reflecting the determination of the people she's treating to help the town recover in time for the return of the rescue party. It's this reflected determination and confidence that allows her to address Minwu almost normally - no titles or curtseying, though she's still avoiding more eye contact than is absolutely necessary.]

They're some of the strongest people I've ever seen. It's amazing.


Makeshift clinic, a few days after the attack. leavesparties February 18 2011, 11:34:58 UTC
[It certainly was. Yet the design of the castle town was probably something to do with it. A masterpiece of engineering indeed, Minwu had learned of it's purpose thanks to speaking to the people he had healed. It appeared the people had known hardship even upon their world. They had known attack, they had known what it was to flee, and they had known what it was to fight back.

He raised his head to the girl, allowing a slight smile behind the veil of his keffiyah, checking that he had no more injured to come before removing the thing to speak in a less muffled manner.]

It is possible to see the true personality of a person when things are at their worst. Many things can be picked up.

[He'd seen it in Firion, when the youth had been found with his friends in the woods, more than half dead. He'd seen it in Gordon, Ricard, Josef, Scott... and even here, he'd seen it. It was what made humans human. The desire to overcome.]

... Apply their lessons to yourself. Nothing is ever hopeless. Nor is it without meaning.

[Yet happiness is ( ... )


Makeshift clinic, a few days after the attack. praygenius February 18 2011, 12:44:08 UTC
[Misinterpreting Minwu's musing as an instruction, she nods.]

I understand.

[She cleans her hands as she speaks and nods again.]

I am. I worry for those who went to rescue the King, though.


Makeshift clinic, a few days after the attack. leavesparties February 18 2011, 14:23:07 UTC
[He shakes his head, lightly.]

There is no reason to worry. One who has traversed the fortress of Hell beforehand travels with them. He is adept in both means and manner- and will not allow harm to befall any of them.

[He'd say he trained Firion himself, but that's a little egotistic however true the statement. Instead he turns to face the girl, choosing to comment further on her feeling over the situation.]

We as white mages find purpose through eventuality, Porom. Worrying over eventuality is never auspicious. We must trust in others strength, and we must support others to the limit of our capacity. Worry is never support.


Makeshift clinic, a few days after the attack. praygenius February 18 2011, 15:13:45 UTC
[She's still not quite comfortable with the idea of them walking right into such an obvious trap, but Minwu's confidence that Firion will ensure their safety helps. She's never met the rebel herself but if the great sage himself holds such faith in him then he must be capable indeed.]

You have a great deal of faith in him, don't you?

[But she smiles, nodding.]

I apologize. You're correct. I have no reason to doubt in any of them and even if I did, doubt won't bring them back safely. I should act more like the people here, shouldn't I? To make sure everything is well for their return.


Makeshift clinic, a few days after the attack. leavesparties February 18 2011, 19:00:43 UTC
[Perhaps she'll get to meet him when he's back. Or when they depart for Mysidia. It's a possibility depending on whether Firion lends a hand in this little matter or not.]

Yes, I do. When our world was under great threat from an emperor that commanded the powers of hell, the nations and their armies could do nothing but crumble underneath his sorcery. Firion and his friends ensured the safety of the world at a very young age. Futhermore, his earnesty and bravery is hard to come by.

[He nods, slowly.]

Indeed. Faith in others only adds to their strength.


Makeshift clinic, a few days after the attack. praygenius February 19 2011, 03:43:31 UTC
...a few brave souls achieving what all the armies of the world could not. Gaia seems to be full of stories like that.

[She isn't quite sure if it's comforting or terrifying to be surrounded by such heroes. They are great men and women, indeed, but the fact that they had to do the things they've proven themselves capable of means that so many worlds endured so much hardship that Porom can barely stand to think about. How many lives must have been lost to or destroyed by the evils they opposed? How many people, just as brave and good and honest, must have faced the same impossible odds and failed? Her smile doesn't fade but she grits her teeth behind it and looks away.]


Makeshift clinic, a few days after the attack. leavesparties February 19 2011, 22:00:12 UTC
[Minwu is of a different sentiment entirely. That hardship has to be suffered for such great men and women to arise. After all - there's no use in heroes if all is well and all is good. He crosses his arms lightly and checks the halls again - surprised that there appears to finally be a stop to the injured. Appears Porom's done well. Very well, actually.]

...And yours?

[He asks carefully, not wanting to be intrusive.]


Makeshift clinic, a few days after the attack. praygenius February 19 2011, 23:10:24 UTC
[The elder's a good teacher and she's had to do this while also fending off Ramuh before. It's hardly easy work but she's managed much more difficult.

She nods.]

Once - maybe twice, I can only hope - in my lifetime. Many more times in the history books, though it's difficult to tell what's truth and what's legend.


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