[Action in South Figaro]

Feb 17, 2011 02:52

[It's selfish, perhaps, to be as glad as she is that none of her own students were killed in the battle. They havn't managed to avoid injury as completely as she'd hoped but Porom embraces hope where she finds it and the knowledge that she's not led anyone to their deaths is comforting. And she needs that comfort right now, fairly desperately, selfish or not.

There's a large empty building in the north of South Figaro. Porom knows very little of its' history, how it once belonged to the man who sold the town out to the Empire, but its history doesn't matter quite as much as the facts that it's large and uncluttered, if not actually clean, and open and not in any immediate danger of collapsing. All of these facts make it ideal for a temporary clinic and even before the post-battle confusion has worn off, Porom's setting up makeshift beds and teleporting or floating the injured to the building. She gains something like momentum as she works, going from rushing around on her own and doing what she can to rushing around and giving instructions to anyone well enough to carry them out.

Outside, once the confusion after the battle has finished, work begins on repairing damage to the town and keeping the citizens happy and healthy. From actual rebuilding to securing food and a safe place to sleep for everyone, there's more work than there are healthy people to do it. But they're managing. Because they have to.]

OOC: This is a mass interaction thread! So tag whoever and have fun! Also the official 'time when this takes place' is when-the hell-ever, from two seconds after the last of the monsters went down to a few days afterward while the 'rescue Edgar' mission is going on. To make it more organized, note where your character is and maybe a time (or just 'whenever' if your character's around the whole time) in the comment titles? OKAY GO!

warrior of light, ursula leiden, !action post, porom, bartz klauser, minwu

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