[Action in South Figaro]

Feb 17, 2011 02:52

[It's selfish, perhaps, to be as glad as she is that none of her own students were killed in the battle. They havn't managed to avoid injury as completely as she'd hoped but Porom embraces hope where she finds it and the knowledge that she's not led anyone to their deaths is comforting. And she needs that comfort right now, fairly desperately, ( Read more... )

warrior of light, ursula leiden, !action post, porom, bartz klauser, minwu

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After Edgar's rescue praygenius February 17 2011, 13:11:54 UTC
[By the time the rescue party have returned, the clinic's running at least fairly smoothly. As smoothly as anything could be expected to run in the circumstances. It's far, far cleaner now, if nothing else, a suitable enough environment to be dealing with injuries rather than a dusty old building that was just vaguely better than treating the injured on the town streets. The worst of the injuries sustained in the first battle are dealt with and, for now, there's nobody in immediate danger. It's not calm, by any means, but it's an orderly sort of busy.

She's managing not to look too tired or to let it affect her work, too busy right now for exhaustion to even come close to catching up to her, but the fact that she's focussed enough to somehow manage not to notice the warrior's presence until he addresses her is fairly telling. And rather impressive, not managing to notice that helmet is quite a feat. She looks up, almost seeming confused when addressed and then smiles.]

You're- you're back? You're back! Thank goodness. [It only takes her the few seconds it takes to move toward the warrior to start fretting.] Are you well? Are you injured? Did you all return safely?


for_cosmos February 19 2011, 03:05:11 UTC
[Pretty much anything is better than the panicked and rushed feeling that surrounded the town when the attack initially occurred. The orderly kind of busy means that no attack occurred while they were off confronting Lufene.

Still, Porom seems worn out enough that such a thing might as well have happened. The lack of noticing his helmet (or giving a lecture about wearing it indoors) is rather telling.]

Things went well. King Edgar has been returned. I believe that he is in the castle.

[He's ignoring the questions about his own injuries.]


praygenius February 19 2011, 03:28:13 UTC
[Thankfully, no such attack occured. With the armies of Figaro in a fairly sorry state after the attack and most of the people who might have defended the city occupied with retrieving Edgar, such a thing would not have ended well.]

Thank goodness. News of his return will do the city a world of good.

[She tries asking again. If she doesn't get an answer this time, she'll resort to Libra.

...she might use Libra anyway. She's fairly used to people failing to mention injury, whether for the sake of pride or out of desire not to trouble others. Her whole cast is fairly awful for it.]

And you? Are you well?


for_cosmos February 19 2011, 03:34:55 UTC
[At least Lufene hasn't begun to try two-fronted attacks yet. Her tactics at this point are often not very complicated, or delicate. The kidnapping was the most clever so far.]

I received a few wounds, but they are fine, and nothing that should keep me from being able to assist here. There is no need for healing.

[That might be downplaying it a bit. But at least he's honest?]


praygenius February 19 2011, 04:02:37 UTC
[Porom is entirely okay with the prospect of Lufene not becoming any better at strategy. Ideally, she wouldn't be attacking at all but at least sheer force is predictable and easier to deal with than the alternative.

She'd have used Libra if he'd said he were completely uninjured. As it is, she has no way of knowing whether he's downplaying his injuries at all. But the downplaying doesn't help a great deal and she frowns, shaking her head.]

You can't work with untreated injuries. You'll aggravate them if you move too much. Rest. Or at least allow me to heal you.


for_cosmos February 19 2011, 11:59:49 UTC
[They aren't much worse than he's indicating, but that may not matter much. Still, the warrior being as duty-bound as he is, he would do his best to ignore the injuries even if they were much worse.]

There are still repairs that must be made in the town, and your magic would be better served if it were used on the patients. I have done this before. I will be fine.


praygenius February 19 2011, 12:16:56 UTC

[She could probably make a better, not-single-word argument against continuing despite injury if she needed to. But she instead shakes her head again, casting Curaga before he has a chance to respond.]


for_cosmos February 19 2011, 12:39:56 UTC

[And too late, she's already cast the spell. He frowns, but he can't really protest what she's already done.]

Thank you. Still, it would have been better of you to save your energy.


praygenius February 19 2011, 12:55:48 UTC
[If the spell's taken that much out of her, she's not showing it. She had the foresight this time to make sure she had ether to hand, her exhaustion is more the result of constant work and refusal to rest than of magical overexertion.]

It's hardly a waste of energy, especially if you plan on aiding in the rebuilding.


for_cosmos February 19 2011, 13:15:28 UTC
[At least one of them is prepared for situations like this.]

If you say so.

[Just because she isn't showing signs of it doesn't mean that she might not be tired out because of casting. He wants to keep an eye on her to make sure that isn't the case.]

Is there anything that needs to be done here?


praygenius February 19 2011, 13:39:40 UTC
[She nods.]

We've had a few difficult patients, ones who are either afraid or delirious, who've risked injuring the mages or the patients around them. If you think you can keep them from harming anyone without hurting them, that would be a great help.

[Technically that's the exact situation that the hold spell was created for. But none of the other mages have learned it yet and after her own time as a living statue Porom is less than willing to use it on anyone else.]


for_cosmos February 19 2011, 14:40:50 UTC
Of course. It should not be too difficult.

[The only thing likely to cause trouble in doing that is his own armor, and he knows how to be careful about it, by now.]


praygenius February 19 2011, 14:56:32 UTC
[She smiles, nodding again.]

Thank you. With luck, most of the injured will recover within the next day or so.

[She sounds very glad that the worst is over and the end is in sight.]


for_cosmos February 19 2011, 23:39:12 UTC
That is fortunate. With the injured recovered, the people of the town will be more ready to work on the rebuilding.


praygenius February 20 2011, 00:07:43 UTC
They're all so strong. This would have been so much more difficult were they not so determined to recover.


for_cosmos February 20 2011, 01:35:24 UTC
The people in this world, both native Gaians and Sky people, are remarkably resilient.


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