A Sudden Announcement [Video]

Feb 03, 2011 13:50

[With the streets of Dollet as his backdrop, Edward appears on screen looking quite reserved and poised. The nervousness he felt wasn't shown in his demeanor at all, quite a feat to behold considering he has wondrous news to share with friends and family alike. Many people knew that Edward possessed a fondness for a certain little dancer from Dalmasca, but all of his colleagues are going to be shocked by this news nonetheless.

Bracing himself for the scrutiny he may face for his decision, Edward smiles warmly into the screen of his sky phone. It took him two failed tries to find his voice, but on the third try Edward finally spoke.]

F-Friends and acquaintances alike,

Penelo and I...

[He paused briefly as he tried to collect his thoughts.]

Penelo and I are getting married! I proposed to her several nights before, and we've decided it's time for us both to take the next step in our relationship together. I've shied away from announcing this news for one too many days, but please forgive for it!

Penelo and I are bound to be wed in March, I wish for all my friends and colleagues alike to attend.


[He chuckled lightly.]

I'm honestly the happiest man on Gaia right now!

ellone loire, rydia of mist, rikku, ursula leiden, ceodore harvey, edward 'edge' geraldine, fran, cecil harvey, oerba dia vanille, blank, porom, frimelda lotice, edgar figaro, !video post, rosa farrell, rinoa heartilly, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, edward chris von muir, penelo, balthier, basch fon ronsenburg, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros

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