
Feb 03, 2011 11:23

[The video clicks on to show a wobbly, half-sideways shot of one of the large bridges in Limsa Lominsa, with the locals wandering around in the morning light going about their daily work. It hangs there, just showing a shot of the bridge for a few seconds, and then wobbles a bit. There's the sound of something metal dragging across something else, and then a little annoyed breath...and a silent pause.]


[After a few seconds the camera is twisted around, a hand covering the lens until suddenly it pops away to show...Rikku! She is perched on the edge of one of the bridges, a grin on her face, waving at the screen with her free hand. And she's dressed in this though that's only going to last about as long as it takes someone to get her to Goug.]

Hey! I'm back! And it looks like I missed a lot...when'd this place turn up? It's amazing. There's a whole city built on these huge bridges! It kinda reminds me of Kilika back home except less...rafty. Ec rafty y funt?

Anyway! I can't wait to see everybody again! I'm gonna try and head back to Goug and Luca and...everywhere! But if anyone wants to come give me a lift I won't complain!

[She grins brightly again.]

[Filtered to Yuna, Tidus and Auron.]

Heeeeeey! Yunie! You're still here, right? Please say you are? And Tidus and Auron too? You're not gonna believe what I saw back home!

tidus, balthier, auron, cid (unlimited), rikku, tifa lockhart, !video post

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