{Fan Fic} Learning How To Heal

May 25, 2012 21:58

Username: Breyzy (of breyzyyin)
Class: Soldier
Title: Learning How To Heal
Summary: After a very tough random encounter, Minwu offers Firion some guidance. Set during Final Fantasy II.
Characters/Pairings: No pairings. Firion and Minwu are the main characters. Guy and Maria are minor characters. Mentions Princess Hilda.
Word count: 1,380
Rating/warnings: PG for one slightly violent scene.
Other Notes: A fill for chacusha's MWS-wide prompt for a fanwork focusing on a Soldier character and a White Mage character.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: I do not own FFII or the game's characters. They belong to Square-Enix.

The enemy had been tough, levels above them...a league apart from where Firion and his friends currently were. Their inexperience was showing: despite Maria's Black Magic spell-casting and her skill with the bow and arrow; despite Guy's obvious physical might and brute force; despite his own sword technique, the enemy was far too powerful.

They struggled...all save one in their party, Minwu: Fynn's Royal Mage, a White Wizard from Mysidia. Minwu did not even seem to break a sweat during the battle. Like the enemies they had just faced and barely defeated, the difference in skill level between Minwu and the rest of the traveling party seemed to be beyond comprehension.

Minwu was in a whole other league, far more powerful than Firion and his friends. He was Princess Hilda's principal advisor, and they were just low-level soldiers in the Wild Rose Rebellion. It stood to reason that Minwu would be stronger, and it gave Firion a small hope that he too one day could be strong...if he survived for long enough, that is.

Firion was not too proud to admit that the previous fight's result would have been completely disastrous had it not been for the skills of the White Mage. It was too blatant a fact to simply ignore or deny.

Even now, with the random encounter over and a victory in hand, Firion felt himself vulnerable. In the back of his mind, he noted the dull ache of a scratch on his left arm. He had not bothered to notice it prior, as caught up in the battle as he was.

Pushing the pain aside, Firion kept to his own thoughts. No, he was no fool. He admitted that they needed Minwu, but it bothered his sense of pride to know that had it not been for Minwu's aid they would have been totally decimated.

...He had to get stronger if he wanted to stand a chance of helping the Wild Rose Rebellion end the war, if he wanted his friends to survive. The dull ache began to pulse into sharper pain, and Firion was forced to acknowledge that he also had to get stronger if he wanted to survive as well.

As he put his red sword back into its scabbard, he heard Maria talking to Guy behind him. She was fussing over their childhood friend like an overprotective sister: "Hold still, Guy! I've got a Potion somewhere. Let me heal your injuries before we face more of those monsters. This area seems to be crawling with them."

Guy was silent as always, but Firion could just imagine him nodding his head slightly in thanks and grinning at Maria's kindness.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glimpsed a white-robed figure move towards him. He knew it was Minwu before he truly even turned to see him.

Before he could say anything to acknowledge the White Wizard's presence, the soldier felt the slight throbbing pain from the injury on his arm ease up. When he looked towards it, he noticed the bleeding had stopped and the cut had begun to close, eventually disappearing right before his very eyes.

When Firion glanced over at Minwu, he saw the man extending his right hand towards him and a soft glow emitting from it that he instantly recognized: a Cure spell. Within seconds, the wound had fully healed and Minwu lowered his arm.

"Thank you." Firion said, grateful for the healing.

Minwu nodded. His dark eyes, the only part of his face not covered by a part of his white clothing, were knowledgeable. His gaze made Firion feel somewhat ill at ease, as if the Royal Mage was constantly assessing him.

"You have that skill, you know."

So he was assessing him. Minwu's voice had an ethereal quality to it, as if he was connected to some magical plane of existence apart from the one they were currently standing on. It never failed to take Firion by surprise whenever the man spoke.

"That skill?" Firion asked, not sure he was fully understanding, "You mean the Cure spell?"

The White Wizard nodded, his eyes narrowed as if he was enjoying the conversation.

...He probably was. Providing guidance to others was something Minwu seemed to thoroughly enjoy. It was part of his role as advisor, after all.

"Next time there is a battle, you should try to use it. Healing is a valuable asset to a soldier."

Firion did not doubt Minwu's words, but he wanted to test the theory out before attempting it in battle. It was the warrior part of his mind that enjoyed tactics: if he knew exactly what the Royal Mage meant, he could plan a better battle strategy in the future.

He looked to the ground and found a discarded arrow of Maria's, a remnant from the battle prior. Picking it up, he put the arrowhead towards his freshly healed left arm and firmly pressed down, running the sharp point across the skin. It sliced open easily, with blood dripping out. The red liquid began to travel down his wrist to the ground, accompanied by a burning sensation of pain. He vaguely noted dropping the arrow back on the green grass he had originally found it on.

Minwu must have known that Firion would attempt something of the sort, for he simply said in his mystical voice: "Concentrate on healing the wound, on stopping the blood."

Firion held his right hand over the cut without touching it, concentrating. He moved his lips to chant, but no actual sound seemed to come forth. He envisioned the pain stopping, the blood disappearing...and he began to see a light coming from his outstretched palm, a warmth spreading from the fingertips to cover the wound.

It was significantly slower than Minwu's Cure spell, but eventually the cut was gone and the skin was fully healed. Minwu inclined his head in inspection, something akin to an act of guidance and approval.

"If you continue to use the skill in battle, it will improve and the time it takes to be effective will decrease."

"But, how did you know?" Firion asked, staring incredulously at his now cut-free arm.

"Anyone can have the ability to heal. It just depends on whether or not they choose to use it."

"I see." Firion said, although he vaguely knew he was still unsure...and from the still-amused glint in Minwu's eyes, he knew the White Mage was also aware of his doubt.

Minwu even sounded amused, "You don't, but you will eventually. It will prove to be an invaluable skill. Heal constantly. Use it on yourself and on your comrades until it becomes second nature to you."

Maria and Guy were waiting patiently ahead of them in the forest. As if he was done with the conversation, Minwu simply started to move forward to join them, leaving the soldier behind. Firion walked at a brisk pace to keep up.

"Thank you." Firion said again, although he was not sure he had spoken the words loud enough for the older man to hear. Silence was his only response.

Just as they were about to reach Maria and Guy, Minwu halted. Firion stopped as well, not entirely sure what was going on. He didn't feel any enemies nearby, but he reached for his sword by instinct.

"All I did is provide you with guidance. I hope it serves you well in the future." Minwu spoke softly, intending for only Firion to hear.

Firion relaxed and nodded, "I'm sure it will."

"Perhaps I'll be able to see it, one day." Minwu replied in his ethereal tone, and then he continued forward as if he had not stopped at all.

It took Firion a second to collect himself before heading towards the party. Maria and Guy both looked somewhat confused by what had just transpired, but they were also just as ready to move along and get out of the area. Minwu's gaze seemed miles away, and yet it still seemed to encompass every single detail going on around them.

As they moved towards their next destination, Firion simply found himself hoping that they would not run into any more of those tougher enemies before he had the chance to practice and strengthen the new skill Minwu had taught him.

character: maria, user: breyzy, character: minwu, character: guy, game: final fantasy ii, character: firion

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