Jan 08, 2010 15:18
I was feeling frustrated because I couldn't think of a title for the Sam/Gabriel fic. Pissed off, I turned to the ever classic 'Put iTunes On Shuffle And Hope For The Best'.
I cliked once, and it gave me The Doors' Crystal Ship, which worked well (The Days Were Bright And Filled With Pain). Then I asked iTunes if that was it, if that was the title he was giving me. I clicked.
And it promptly started playing 'I Quit' by Hepburn. *dies laughing* EITHER MY ITUNES IS HAUNTED OR IT'S ALIVE. EITHER WAY, THANKS FOR THE TITLE, ITUNES.
On other news, tomorrow I go on holidays! \o/ But there's wi-fi at the hotel, so I'm still gonna bother you all, just not as often. It will probably include picspams. XD