dreams again!

Feb 27, 2010 14:26

dreamt last night that my house was on sticks with a fish pond underneath.  the fish in the pond were some kind of koi with human faces, and they could make a sound l ike a mortar exploding that would shake the whole house.  habibi (my boxer dog mix) would have a fit when this happened and finally went outside to confront the human-faced carp things, but they both turned into were-humans and started to fight.  i called for help and some guys showed up, but the only way we could see under the house to check the fishes was with the super led flashlights that i got for christmas.  the light would shine off the human smiles of the fish and i'd be unable to give the exterminators the permission to kill the mutant fishies.

and then sue (she runs the pet hotel in jax where i'd leave my dogs) had bought the property behind the house and built a two story doggie hotel on it, so i carried habibi over to drop her off for a bit.  and both the master chiefs from my command were there, complimenting me on how gorgeous habibi is.

but habibi was wounded because the human-were-carp had bitten her badly and we needed some anti-fish to save her.

and booda would just sit on the concrete porch and watch, waiting for her chance to catch the fishes.  because she is the most dangerous dog in the house and will attack without warning.  even in real life. 
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