Apr 27, 2009 20:32
Hello, y'all.
Stolen from colbertobsessed.
20 years ago: Well, Clark Kent came to Smallville. That's the only interesting thing that happened that year, involving me. Well, it didn't really involve me, but oh well.
15 years ago: I would have been born.
10 years ago: 5 years old. I lived in our cottage in Sutton, and I went to some school/theatre for kindergarten. It was good times, taking it easy back then.
5 years ago: 10 years old. Living in a small town called Keswick, going to a school called Aurora Montessori School. Good days, back then. Going to school with 2 of my best friends. Life was pretty good. However, that year ended, then the next one ended, then I went to my current school, hell.
3 years ago: Grade 7. First year at my current school. It wasn't all that bad then. One of my best friends from my old school went there as well, and he still is my best friend. Nothing really special happened that year.
2 years ago: Grade 8. Ummm..., nothing really special happened this year either. Parents separated(took them long enough), and Heroes came on.
1 year ago: Grade 9. School got so much worse, as Cadets got so much more. God, I hate my school. Almost failed French and Geo, but didn't.
This year: Grade 10. Aside from Cadets, it's okay. Acted in first big play(Macbeth, but I played a guard), as well as being in various other plays.
Yesterday: Had to march along Yonge Street for like, 2 hours. Thanks Cadets!
Today: School, then Cadets.
Tomorrow: Another big parade! Oh, what fun! :(
future past present james mackin montypy