Writer's Block: LiveJournal Book Club

Apr 25, 2009 22:59

Well, I'd have to say The Great Gatsby,  but it's an obvious one, so I would have to go with Fight Club.

Everyone sees the film and says, wow, what a great film. And the truth is, a lot of those people don't even know about the book, or just haven't read it. It's such an amazing book, it portrays the nameless narrator so much better in my opinion. Books describe everything much differently AND better than a film could. I mean, look at the Kite Runner.  An amazing book, but a crappy film. Sometimes, you get a good film from a book, like anything by Stanley Kubrick, or Harry Potter. But a book will ALWAYS portray everything much better.

So, go read Fight Club. Now. Right now. Stop whatever you are doing, and read it.

writer's block good books fight club jam

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