Jet Lag is Fun and Educational

Jul 04, 2008 13:41

Fun is a relative term.

Educational is also.
That is all for the title of this entry.

In an unrelated subject, I have been interviewed by an odd entity in the blagosphere. Here are the questions, each followed logically by my answer. I cannot guarantee how logical my answers may be.

1) Does it burn when you wee?

In fact, it does not.

2) Who is your favorite voiceover actor to date (you can take that as "up to this point" or "to maybe feel each other up on the couch, oh yeah")?

I will take the former meaning of the last phrase.

All the ones I've met and worked with so far are all cool. I guess I'd have to say Richard Epcar, because I know him on a more personal level than the rest.

3) Who is your favorite non-Japanese band?

He's not a band, but who can deny the rich voice of Rufus Wainwright? Besides, he kissed you.

4) Why am I such an asshole?

You only want to be an asshole, and you're trying so hard, too! Keep up the good work!

(Who's the asshole now, asshole?)

5) What was the last thing you purchased for fun?

Probably GTA:SA, but that was via you by proxy, since my Japanese IP somehow barred me from buying that game over Steam, despite the fact that it is readily available in Japanese elsewhere.

That's the end of my short interview. If anyone else in the blagosphere would like to participate in a similar interview, leave a comment in my journal, and I will attempt to be a budding journalist and pose five questions.


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