Well Belated Update

Aug 10, 2007 19:06

I'm not going to apologize for not updating in such a long time, because a simple apology wouldn't really be enough to justify my laziness and lack of discipline in keeping this thing alive. In lieu of an apology, I present to you an update.

Many things in fact happened since the last update nearly a full month ago. I suppose I could use that as an excuse for why I haven't been updating, but even though I'd been busy all this time, I still had some free time I could have used towards updating my journal. Anyway, I'm sure I've beaten the topic of not updating to death.

I suppose the most noteworthy news to date is that She has gone back home, having finished her semester abroad here in Japan. I'll spare you, Dear Readers, the cheesy sentimentality (I'd rather only share that with one person anyway) and simply say that she left on the morning of August 2nd, local time. I met her at 新百合ヶ丘駅 before she boarded a bus bound for the airport, 成田国際空港. It came as a surprise to her, as we had already bid each other our final farewell at my home station, 綱島駅, two nights prior. Speaking of two days prior to the final final farewell, we shared our final date at Tokyo Disney Sea (which is incidentally actually located in Chiba prefecture, much to the chagrin of cartographers and geographers).

It was a surprisingly fun date - not surprising that the date itself was fun, but the theme park. Those who know me may also know that I am very not fond of theme parks as a general rule. It is as much a part of my code of conduct as the belief that one must use chopsticks when eating rice from a bowl. However, perhaps because of Her company, I had a blast. Pictures were taken, rides were ridden, and walkways were walked. Tokyo Disney Sea has its own Tower of Terror amusement which I at first felt a bit nervous riding (I also do not particularly prefer thrill rides), but I became more excited as the time drew near to ride the thing. It was quite exhilirating.

Recently, I also attended a friend's birthday party. It was a combination farewell party for the UT students studying at Obirin (one of whom remains and will complete a full year of study). Once again, we all piled into a booth at 土間土間, a recent favorite pub of mine. Good fun and food was had, and the birthday boy (much to the chagrin of Americans unaccustomed to the custom) ended up paying for a large part of the bill. He assured us that it was from his summer bonus and that he had already planned beforehand to spend the money in such a fashion. いろいろ恵まれているんですね、僕は。

Also last month, the roommate and I went a real live Vietnamese restaurant. It was run by a middle-aged Vietnamese woman and, I assume, her husband. It's only open for dinner time, four days out of the week.

I ordered a Vietnamese beer to go with my meal. It was okay.

Of course, we ate phở. It was my first bowl (and currently last) I've had in Japan.

Ah, the famous Vietnamese iced milk coffee in brewing and completed stages.

I guess there's not much else to report. Some time ago, I took pictures of the route from my home to the station. Perhaps I'll make that the subject of a post in the near future.

日本語, alcohol, 彼女, 友達, food

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