...or, What I Had For Dinner Tonight
- 1 small onion
- garlic (Yeah, I used a handful. Normal people might want only 1 or 2 cloves. You can use pre-minced if you have to. Don't bother with dried.)
- 3 heads of baby bok choy (about 8" long and about 2" across near the base)
- olive oil (don't waste the good fruity stuff on this, though)
- soy sauce
- sesame oil
Chop onion into 1/2" to 1" bits. Slice garlic medium-thin. Cut the bok choy apart where the leaves begin, and cut the stems into bite-size pieces. Toss onion, garlic, and bok choy stems into a frying pan with enough oil to keep it from sticking. (Ok, maybe just a titch more oil than that, because you still have the leaves to add in a bit.) Saute in a large frying pan or wok over medium to medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until the onion and bok choy stems start to look like they might be getting to the stage of tender-crisp that you prefer. Meanwhile, slice the bok choy leaves into 1" strips, and then cut crosswise a few times so they won't be too awkwardly long. Add them to the frying pan when the rest has approached tender-crips, and stir well. Add a splash of soy sauce and a quick drizzle of sesame oil. Stir until leaves wilt, and serve.
2 servings. Goes astonishingly well with a nice dinner of Trader Giotto's Joe's chicken marsala, and pesto tortelloni.
Oh, did I mention this took only about 10 minutes from the point of rinsing the bok choy? Yeah - that quick...
I had a picture, but I ated it...
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