A proposal for action to commemorate 9/11

Sep 11, 2009 10:47

Swiped from maugorn:
I posit to you all that acts of terrorism, violence, & hate do not tend to be committed by happy people, also that such acts are to done to make more people unhappy.

My proposal is that TODAY, you practice counter-terrorism in the form of acts that are designed & intended to make more people happier.

How & what are up to you.

If you like this idea, you are free to spread it.

I agree. I said this a while back:
Fight terrorism.  Reject terrorism.  Refuse to allow it to fill your thoughts, or to affect your day-to-day activities.  Go to work and perform your customary tasks in your usual fashion.  Eat your average run-of-the-mill dinner, and do your usual Monday evening activities.  Live your life the same as any other day, give terrorism no hold over you, and you have won.

And now I add to that: Spread happiness, even if it's only to yourself.

terrorism, fear

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