Since I'm in a bad mood, I might as well rant.
10. People who compare any film that is artsy AT ALL to "The 400 Blows."
Ask any film professor for their pet peeves and this will be one of them.
9. People who are ALWAYS late for class.
Don't know why this one bothers me as I am often late myself. But every. single. class? That's just too much, man.
8. People who fluff up papers and think the prof's won't notice.
I will never, ever, EVER understand this. They put 1.5 inch margins on every side. They use 14 point Courier. Do they honestly, honestly think that a college professor, someone (90% of the time) with a Ph.D., will not recognize the fluffing? In my opinion, it just makes the paper look RIDICULOUS. I bet it hurts more than it helps.
7. Come to think of it, most dumb or lazy students.
Dumb students that think them falling asleep in class won't affect their grade. Dumb students who treat the prof's obnoxiously and then act surprised when they don't do well. Lazy students who do all internet research and then whine when the prof points out four of the five sites have no academic merit (haven't you heard of a LIBRARY, people?). Lazy students who wait til the last minute to do papers, write SHITTY papers, and then question why they did poorly.
6. The "poor stoners."
If you have the money to buy weed, especially in the States, YOU ARE NOT POOR. Why do people complain about money, asking you to spot them for a slice of pizza, and then go out and buy a $50 bag of weed? And, chances are, they won't want to smoke you up, cause they're stingy with their weed. Well excuuuuuse me!
5. The belief that questioning things is wrong.
This ties directly into religion. Most religions, especially my family's version of Catholicism, rely strongly on not questioning why we are Catholic. My mom and dad have many problems with the Church but what do they do? Nothing. Instead of finding a Church that's a better fit for their beliefs, they just keep on going, objections and all. WHY. The worst part is, >I< am not allowed to question my Catholicism. I mean, I KNOW I'm not Catholic. It's not even a question for me. But yet they still want me to be one - at twenty-one years of age - and I'm just wondering when it will end.
4. The "obscure fact" myth.
Kind of ties in with #1. When people are talking about something and name some obscure fact about someone, making it seem like, "Wow, he knew Arto Saari's favorite food is Cheetos? He must know EVERYTHING about Arto Saari!" No. He doesn't. He just read the opening to Arto Saari's interview in the latest Thrasher, that's all. KNOWING SOME OBSCURE FACT DOES NOT MAKE YOU AN EXPERT ON SOMEONE!!!
3. People who complain about a city that NEVER GO OUT.
I am the number one person to complain that DC sucks. And I do, occasionally. But you know what? There are a ton of AU kids that complain about DC but they NEVER GO OUT. I'm sure DC is going to suck if you stay in your dorm room all day long because your DORM ROOM SUCKS. Try taking the Metro somewhere. Or even chilling in Tenleytown - there are some cool spots. But no, it's easier to sit around and bitch then to do something about your predicament.
2. Many complaints. Namely, the ones that can be fixed.
This one is simple. If you're poor and are complaining about not having money for food, no problem. If you overspent your budget on clothing or something, then I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. If your girlfriend/boyfriend just dumped you and you're taking it badly, no problem. If you don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend because you spend all day whining, DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. Etc. And I realize I'm complaining about complaining, but maybe this will help reduce complaints.
1. People who think they are experts in a subject when they are NOT.
This highly ties into my belief that we can never REALLY be experts in a subject. I believe we can know a lot - even most, depending on the subject - but NEVER all. And this is why I get baffled by people who think they know it all when they know so little. Like they'll take an intro to film course and will come out like a film GOD. I love intro to film courses for what they are, INTROS to film. They are not comprehensive nor are they meant to be. And I'm not saying you shouldn't discuss film if you haven't taken a film course - I am simply saying to acknowledge your level of intellect. If you know a bunch, act like you know a bunch. But if you know the little you learned from Film 101, don't go acting like you know EVERYTHING cause guess what? You DON'T.