Can anyone tell me what the penalties are for driving without license or registration in Montreal? Also if it is in a vehicle that is NOT owned by the person, the owner may or may not be aware of them using the car (I'm pretty sure they do though and they know the person doesn't have a license
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Car's gonna be seized/impounded in either situation, unless the lack of registration is because the car was just bought, but you still need the papers to prove you paid for it and just waiting for the plaque.
If you've already lost the licence, then it'll be revoked for an extended period of time and you'll have cost your mom hundreds to thousand of dollars to get her car back, but yes that's the ''only'' thing that'll happen
You might have better luck telling the mother what's been happening behind her back and/or telling the cops where/when the kid is doing the driving...but then it's still the mom that's gonna to de-impound the car so...
Maybe you should rat them out!
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