Which Language do You Have Sex In?

Nov 01, 2010 14:40

A post on a personal journal has prompted this question, and I thought this would be a fine group of people for the discussion.

The idea is if you're whispering sweet nothings in the local language instead of your mother tongue, you're not that into it. The other idea is the whispers are more polite when done in the partner's language.

Do you switch languages for your partner if you're with someone of another language? Do you find it impossible to switch in the act? Does it bother you if your partner uses either your language or theirs? And what about those rare and elusive linguistically ambidextrous among us, the bilinguaphones/franglophones?

Me: I can't switch in the act, it feels really fake. It bugs the crap out of me when my partner switches, because I think he's thinking too much and am convinced he's not into it if he's speaking English, but his partners have been mostly Anglophones so it feels more natural to him, so I try to get over myself.

What say ye?

languages, miscellaneous

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