I believe that it is out there. The person I am looking for, the life that I want. I believe it is out there. And screw you if you say that the type of person I'm looking for doesn't exist. It does. I've seen it. And I will find it for myself. I will not just settle. I can't... I can't *not* believe that what I want so badly doesn't exist for me.
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Yeeeah, can you tell that's one of my hot button issues? ;)
I never really got where I wanted to, but honestly that was mostly because I never really knew where I wanted to go. *shrug* Most of the influences in my life WERE of the "stay home and be my household slave" type, through the point where I would have been deciding on college or trade school or job market, and if I was going to school how and where. I have the advantage now of looking back and seeing how that restriction and strangling control affected huge parts of my life, and damned if I'll stand by and watch someone else get hemmed in like that. It changes how you *can* think about your life, until someone comes along who can help you crack through those barriers. Call me a wrecking ball, I guess? I'll happily put chinks in artificial walls that block people's potential. =)
The ones that really bother me, though, are the ones who have all the support and encouragement to make the most of their potential, who just refuse. Not because they can't, but because they won't. That's bad enough on its own, but then getting in someone's way when they *want* to move forward? Oh fuck no, that's just not happening. *scowl*
Yeah... I'll stop now. ;)
*hugs* Good for you. Go forth and do what you want, and be happy. =)
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