nyonya jual kopi

Aug 24, 2010 15:28

It's been a month! Dude! That's long. Well. What can I say, I'm going through some shit right now. But I'm wading through it just fine.

What's new? The blue-black on my knee is new. And the scratch on my arm is new. Black&blue's ok but the scratch hurts like a mafa. Not cool.

Baybeats (everytime I type this I type out Babyeats first; Baby eats what) just passed. Saw some old friends over the weekend but not as many as I would have liked. No matter cos I saw Deeeeeeee!! And Naaaadd!! And Nadia and Liyanah and Amos S.Lide! (Y) Good start to the fest! Can't wait for the next.

I had my first performance with the orchestra on the 8th of Aug at some community dinner event for National Day and it was nerve-wrecking. I found out we'd be playing an additional song to the 2 we already were and I was like O_O. So I basically spent an hour cramping my fingers trying to get all the notes.

But in the end I faked 90% of it. Sooooooooooo yea. A for Attempt?

Was just chatting with Janey and hopefully our plans for Jan falls through. Cos I think by then I would need it very badly. It'll be awesome Insyallah. For now I just have to work like a dog :D

I feel good about things nowadays, I just hope things work with me.

Imma go finish off an illustration now bye!
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