Oct 28, 2010 21:25
...And THEN, this old girl handed me th.. wait. Let me just read it to you.
The Devil is your enemy. He knows God will punish him forever in Hell, and he wants to take many along to suffer with him. ((Sorry, I have to interrupt here. God is going to punish the Devil FOREVER in Hell? GOD is NEVER going to FORGIVE somebody? Okay. Can you BLAME "the Devil" for wanting some company?)) Satan and his angels (helpers) are busy every minute of every day seeking souls who will let him take over and control their thoughts and actions.
A lion's strength and his roar frighten his victims. In the same way, the Devil works on each person's weaknesses to scare them into obeying him.
He may say to the drunkard, "You know you can't quit drinking. Why do you try to overcome this temptation?"
To the thief, he says, "See what you can steal without getting caught." ((Sorry! Have to interrupt again. ...What force is going to say to the thief, "Try to steal something you know you're gonna get caught stealing"? By this same logic, is it the Devil who says to the carpenter, "See what you can hammer without bashing your thumb"? Is it the Devil who says to the surgeon, "See what tumors your can remove without bleeding your patient to death"? ...Is this something about the Sin of Pride? THIEVES ARE SUPPOSED TO STEAL. THIEVES AREN'T SUPPOSED TO GET CAUGHT. THIEVES ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT THEY CAN STEAL WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT. I wish the Devil had said something to the Wall Street fatcats! Maybe it would have distracted them from their PERFECTLY EXECUTED PLAN to steal the very things they got caught stealing, and would always have DEFINITELY GOTTEN CAUGHT STEALING.))
The Devil is a liar and he will teach you to lie and think no more about it. He may cause you to repeat gossip, or to start a story about someone which is not true.
Satan will ask you, "Do you really want to go to church? Think of the fun you could have at the movies or the races!" ((WAIT-- ...SATAN'S the one who says that to me? SATAN'S the reason I have fun instead of going to church? ...))
To the new Christian, the Devil will say, "People are making fun of you and telling stories that are not true. Do you really want to go on in this hard way?" ((WHAT hard way. Isn't it a lot harder to live life without a belief in God and the Devil and Salvation--with only oneself accountable for one's actions? Isn't Christianity--or any organized religion, for that matter--generally so dangerous because for every decent person for whom it actually provides support, there are five people out there somewhere to whom it is precisely so appealing BECAUSE it's easy--BECAUSE so many preachers have it boiled down to a bunch of if-thens that discourage deep self-examination and insightful thought??))
Revelation 21:8 says, "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, ((Sorcerers are just people born with an affinity for magic. In the modern era, they're known as "mutants." Maybe Jesus (or at least his mom) qualifies. But go on.)) and idolaters, ((Isn't everyone who isn't an Atheist an idolater??)) and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." That is the Devil's reward and the place where he is taking all who follow him.
Luke 19:10 says "For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." God is the only One who has more power than Satan. He is looking for people to serve Him and has prepared a wonderful place in Heaven where His followers will go after death. The Revelation tells of many blessings which will belong to the ones who overcome the Devil by accepting the blood of Jesus to wash away their sins. ((Totally creepy.)) ((...And kinda makes me think of Final Fantasy VII. "Accepting the blood" of anybody sounds a whole lot like having my DNA fucked with. Never mind the blood of a half-alien.))
Watch out for the Devil. He wants You! If you let his power scare you, and if you believe his lies, he will destroy your soul in Hell.
Blah blah blah, some stamps with addresses for local churches, "Additional copies of this tract sent free," blah blah blah.
...Okay. Well, I have to go right now. But I'm not done with this.