Jun 09, 2009 18:15
Just wanna update recent activities:
1) Watched M.I.T with panda within 2 days and felt really accomplished after doing so in just 2 days. (:
2) Watched Gokusen 2!
3) Watching Gokusen 3 (at episode 8 now)
4) Finished the 8 episodes of Banjun Drama that have DBSK in them. (:
5) Found and watched the 4 episodes of DBSK Vacation series. (panda: quick go watch!!)
6) Been spooking myself out by watching Arashi's hauntings-investigation-variety-show (as you can see for yourselves in my prev post)
7) Attempted to catch 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' with Panda, but we stopped at the 60+minute point cos we really got super shaken up and are experiencing shock and trauma. (I'm serious! no joke. *shudders*) Panda was tearing and hiding behind her sofa cushions while I was in a relaxed pose but am like having tears streaming out of my eyes and shivering in cold sweat in the hot summer heat (which is like very ironic, how can you shiver in heat!!?) and we were so freaked out. Okpkok, enough said, it brings bad memories. S T O P.
8) Watched Step Up 2 and got Flo stuck in my head.
9) Walked all the way to peace centre to get panda's house keys from her mom cos yuehan was sleeping like a log, no, he was sleeping like a dead person in R.I.P while we banged the door for ages till panda had blue black and I had weird-feeling-wrists...oh bad memory again.
10) Brought my parents to 'humble house' for a nice expensive buffet at the Esplanade.
11) Went for family gathering at my small uncle's place and got my nicely-styled hair messed up by my uncles and aunties. humpf. not a nice memory again.
12) Successfully got my sis hooked onto kkotboda namja and subsequently (and of course, very naturally) hooked onto SS501. (:
13) noticed Big Bang and got semi-freaked by T.O.P, I think he looks like a vampire that likes to seduce innocent young girls. (I think it's the eye make up!!)
14) Started "Shining Inheritance" series - that is still played in Korea now - and now hindered by viikii's breakdown and loss of subbed episodes so am on hiatus now for this series...
15) Started "Atashinchi no Danshi" series - that is still played in Japan now - and hindered also by viikii's breakdown - argh I don't wanna talk about this.
16) Learning more and more random Korean words from videos and serials.
17) Realising that I can sing like a third of the Korean mp3 that I've got in my mp3 player. W O W ! (panda is like totally awestruck at my fluent mirotic-singing skills and wrong number singing skills..)
18) Attempted shopping at Robinsons but NOTHING to buy. Or rather, things that I finally decide to buy are out of stock or not my size. blah.
19) Spent a lot on VS body splash. Like over S$100...shit.
20) Wrote complaint letters to X-insurance company for my mom.
21) Watched Korean Drama "Sweet 18" in 2 days by myself.
22) Youtubing everyday without fail.
23) Discovered Kat-tun and realised some members were in Gokusen series.
24) chasing super junior's newly released songs!
25) E T C which I may have forgotten!
super junior,
korean artiste,