Cavities sucks!!!

Jun 03, 2009 13:52

I guess this pic is meaningful … (T   3 T) ~ ...I had a serious tooth-ache problem and today I went to the dentist …

My left chick was inflamated and my face had the shape of  a square  (>  ¬ <) /~…now I have less a tooth (°   ¬°) and because of the anesthetic I can’t fell my left side of my mouth and my tongue is numb too o(¬    ¬)o
But I am happy because that tooth really hurt (*   3*) /

And my friends told me so many things like:
“you need to go to the dentist because if you won’t,you can become deaf”
“if you go to late you will probably end up with a bunch of needles in your mouth”
and you can imagine how I felt then \( °  A  °) /
*dies and goes to Japanese boys heaven *

I called my grandma to come to my place…and today she went with me to the clinic…
I am such a chicken at the dentist …I am afraid of the drill  !!!!!  \( °  A  °) /
The dentist told me: “If you cry I’ll kick your ass!” XD;;....At the first sight she is a sweetheart <333

But all the bad for the good ,ne?
I can stay home all the day school for today (¬  w ¬)b
Even so..tomorrow I need to go to school because of a project I must show to my class ...*drop*
I can’t believe is just 2PM~ (T     T)

And as a final word: CAVITIES SUCKS!!!!
And I am hungry and I can't eat!!!

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