C'mon! \( T 3T)/

May 31, 2009 23:16

TT  3TT This weekend was so damn perfect till now...*dies*
My dad called me from Italy  to "prevent" me from my mom,who is mad because:

☆this week I was being all way alone at home,without any grandma by my
side ?..\ (゜∧゜)/
C'mon ...I am a big fat pig girl and I think I can take care of myself after all.And I have my habits...I don't like somebody to
be with me during my daily habits ..besides that,my grandma is a mess *snap*...o(>   .<)p

☆and another problem mom has is about my school grades and the ending of the scholar year as well...
WTF MAN???My grades are big...I don't play around with the classes and the grades and I am really pleased by myself right now.. I know I CAN  be better than this but I am pleased with me,k?? (¬ .¬)
I don't pretend being the best kid in my class because nowadays this thing
is built on more than one aspect (between those being popularity,clothing,number
of friends...)
I dont have a boyfriend I don't go to the disco...what's the matter with her??Sometimes I really don't understand my mom!


This weekend was  awesome.....(⌒   ∀⌒)~/
Stefy slept to my place till today and we had a lot of fun.I'm not into mood to enter in details right now even though I really wanted
to write about this beautiful end of the week T 3  T
But as always my mom ruined everything...bdhsjxka

Tomorrow is 1st of June...
I think l will go with Stefy to eat something into town before school...I hope it will turn out well....I am really fucked up right now...
(Θ_Θ)..till the next time....<3(this is the candy Stefy bought me today)*nom nom*

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