Title: Halloween and the Ill-tempered Queen (Part of the Hakka Pink Anthology Book #17)
Circle: Hakka Pink
Rating: PG
Raw scan provider:
http://yuritobara.livejournal.comCleaning and Translation: Me
Summary: America, England, and France get cursed on Halloween night.
Do NOT redistribute these scans in icons, youtube, etc.
Download Link:
Mediafire (zip file)Password: trickortreat
So this is another part of the anthology, but I decided to include its real cover. I still have to translate Book 8.5 which is the sequel to this doujinshi and then I'll be done the anthology! Woohoo!
Thanks everyone for the feedback last time - I tried to take some liberties with the translation so that the story flowed better, keeping in mind that Japanese will never translate 100% into English. I hope everyone finds this scanlation to be of higher quality... and I welcome more feedback to ensure that it is!
Also, I was a little hesitant on this one, but considering I only managed to finish this one as fast as I did because I had no plans this weekend (how are the other scanlators such speed demons??? I want to know their secrets!!) I thought I might request the aid of a cleaner/editor! Basically, if someone is interested in helping out, I'd give them a document with the Japanese text beside the translations and they would erase the Japanese text and replace it with the English. Please PM me or email me if you want to discuss it... If you joined up, I would be willing to take on translating doujinshi that you're interested in supposing the doujin was scanned already and the OP didn't mind if we used them ( ie we can strike up bargains :3 ). You'd need to have photoshop or be willing to download trial versions repeatedly... and have a willingness to learn (I will pass on my knowledge if required!) I'm pretty laid-back... I just want someone who will be able to communicate a lot. Otherwise, if no one's interested I guess I will keep to my turtle pace and carry on~ carry on~ because nothing really matters~...
Anyway, I hope you enjoy. <3