Title: Entwine
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club
Character(s): Hikaru, Kaoru
Pairing: HikaXKao
Rating: T, for talk of complex things.
Warnings: Tons of contridictions if you hate things going back and forth and forth and back. Mentions of twincest, and yaoi, but nothing much else.
Disclaimer: I dun own the twins. :3 I merely report insight.
Summary: Our love is just love. There are no conditions, no feelings, no special name for it. It's just love.
Winding, unwinding.
The string slithers through my fingers.
Entwining, untwining.
It’s funny how entwine and untwine has twin in it. It’s rather strange.
Coming, going.
The thread falls taut.
It’s funny and weird that entwine and untwine has twin in it, especially when neither of them accurately describe us, twins.
I want to believe that my brother has set me free.
I want to believe that my brother has trapped me in his arms.
It’s contradicting and strange at the same time.
It feels as if the world is suddenly open and all the possibilities are ready and chances given to me.
It feels as if the world has closed upon us again and everything’s darken, the only place of light is just him and me.
We’re still selfish.
We’re still selfless.
And we’re never going to learn. Never going to learn that the world is out of place for everyone and everyone is not out of place for the world.
But, we’re living in a world in which darkness shines through the light, where reflections follows shadows, and everything’s opposite, different, contradicting, because that’s who we are.
We’ve always been different, different from the world.
Sometimes, you can read my mind.
Sometimes, you can’t.
Sometimes, I wish you can’t.
Sometimes, I wish you can.
It’d be sane and logical to think this way, about different things, about different feelings, but the sometimes often meant all the time.
I don’t understand myself.
You don’t understand yourself.
But we understand each other, and that’s all that we need.
A game, you suggest, a game I want.
It’s a fun game, which one Hikaru-kun and which one is Kaoru-kun-
I wonder how much people actually think they got it right before we tell them if they are.
I wonder how much people would obsess and think about the entire thing over, the percentages of when they’re correct and when they’re wrong.
I wonder how much people would actually think Hikaru was Kaoru and Kaoru was Hikaru, and everything was confusing in the world.
I don’t have to wonder anymore. Because I know there’s only two who think that our lives are so different, so similar, so entwined, and so untwined-
Hikaru and Kaoru.
You understand don’t you, dear brother?
If I could name the one most confusing thing in the world besides confusion, it would be love.
What is it? Is it something conveyed in hearts and chocolates? Is it something between two lips and tongues? Is it something treasured within the deepest corners of the soul? Or is it something that one proclaims happily-
Love is affection. Affection is love. So therefore, love is love; and it always happens in that roundabout way.
Our love is just love. There are no conditions, no feelings, no special name for it. It’s not incest, not homosexuality, not any of those labels society places upon us.
Our love is just love. The kind of love that happens when our hands our entwined and I know what you’re thinking and when our hands are untwined and you know what I’m thinking. The kind of love that has no solid, set form that wavers between a strange kind of bliss, and a weird sort of fuzzy feeling.
Maybe we were wrong when we said we couldn’t love each other.
Maybe we were wrong when we said we could love each other.
Maybe we didn’t know what kind of love it is, because it’s in a separate category altogether.
It’s a… “you’re always here” and “let’s go on together” and “I always worry for you” and “I want you” and “I love you, need you” kind of love all at once.
The warm, sentimental feeling that comes up deep in my throat, that I almost say that I love you, and yet I don’t-
“Kaoru, I don’t care anymore.”
“Me neither… so why did you stop?”
Hikaru smiles slightly, laying a soft kiss on his brother’s forehead, “No reason.”