
Apr 22, 2012 13:20

How did it come to this?
This clumsy way of loving frustrating
As a stutter and filled with a history
Of violence

We’ve become disposable people
Abandoning ourselves to live
Radioactive half-lives inside the
Wombs of shopping malls mutants
Wishing to be aborted but
The American Eagle pro-lifers
Won’t let it happen

They want a darkness covered in
Death sweat where everything’s
Experienced in high definition disillusionment
As we deny the Galapaghosts
Of our better natures by telling ourselves
We have no better nature to aspire to
Nothing to become, this is it,

Lonely drunks on stools
In the blood blister bar
Arm wrestling shots of distraction
High balls of bone marrow laced with
A slight hint of cancer to keep
The dull hum inside at bay

I don’t want to be this pessimistic

I want to believe in something more
Beautiful than a dollar, I want my skull
To crack open and have pterodactyls fly out
Singing “how many more times” in a language
I never knew I understood until I heard it

There is so much inside of us that’s undiscovered
We’re a deeper mystery than the oceans
I want to be baptised by dolphins
To play with creation and devour the darkness
Giving birth to glowing shit babies
Who have the secret of the universe tattooed
On the inside of their eyelids

And the shit babies will lead us
Out of our caves to be bathed in sunlight
Where they will steam a perfume that
Inoculates our senses with a wisdom
Undiscovered until now

We will be filled with a sizzle and gristle
A buzzle and wah, a taxidermist’s panache
For tableau

The shit babies will lead us
To the next transit station where we
Will become diamond jubilation, fractals in expansion
Gasoline rainbows spilling ourselves in the dust

The shit babies will lead us
Into dream states, into deep mind,
Into the other-verse where hummingbirds
Reveal the invisible calligraphy of the world
That lies atop of this one

The shit babies will lead us
Through our dark tunnels of torture
To heal the disaster of separation
The cause of this misery

The shit babies will lead us
The shit babies will lead us
Bend over and rub their wisdom
On your flesh
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